“Shop Talk” is where you can find info on the day-to-day happenings here at the “East End of the Sellwood Bridge”. This is the kind of stuff that makes up most of the content of most companies’ newsletters… but we concentrate it all in one place just for you!
Comment of the Month
We continued our “Comment of the Month” section in Shop Talk this year. We try to stay in close communication with all our clients, and the best of those conversations end up here…
Ken made a client cry… and we’re glad
Certified Vehicle or Pre-Purchase Inspection?
Helping with the construction onslaught
A Client praises us with poetry
“My car is under warranty but I’m still coming to you!”
Referal Reward Program breaks $20,000!!!
2017 closed the third year of our Referral Reward Program, in which we make a donation to the non-profit group of your choice for every new client you refer to us. continues to be popular with our clients, and it’s certainly popular with the groups we’ve given to. We made another 19 donations for $847 in November and December, bringing our total to 459 donations for $20,606 since the program began! Here’s who we gave to this period…
Northstar Civic Foundation by Brooke H. Transitions Project by Patrice O.
Oregon Food Bank by Ann H. Conrad J., Nadja L. Operation Agua by Deborah A.
Planned Parenthood by David C. and Caitlin M. American Cancer Society by Phil D.
Boys & Girls Aid by Kristin M, Alicia C, Amy P (2) Refit Portland by Josh V.
Columbia Riverkeeper by Allen N. DKMS- Delete Blood Cancer by Randy V.
Multnomah County Animal Shelter by Sarah W. Human Solutions by Lisa P.
Skaters for Portland Skateparks by Bryce K.
Don’t let the other Dwyer Clients have all the fun; JOIN US in making a difference in our world! Just refer a new client to Tom Dwyer, and if they tell us you referred them (don’t worry; we’ll ask) then we’ll call you to find out which deserving group you’d like to help. It’s just that easy… start referring today!
With our final 2017 Quarterly Award finished, it’s time for YOU to pick our Yearly Award winner and recipient of $500!
As we said in our Quarterly Award article, we know you love organizations like Oregon Food Bank and Planned Parenthood because they’re all doing vital work and they seem to get at least one Referral Reward every month. HOWEVER. They’re very, very big. We give each Quarterly Winner $200 and each Yearly Winner $500, and while we’re sure these bigger groups would appreciate it (and several of these large groups have won our Quarterly and Yearly awards in the past) that money could be a much bigger boost to a smaller organization. Since we’d like to focus our giving where it would mean the most, we’ve decided to make the following groups INELIGIBLE for the Quarterly and Yearly awards, though we’ll gladly give to them through the year:
2017’s Yearly Winner- INELIGIBLE Groups
Mercy Corps Sierra Club Oregon Food Bank PETA Salvation Army
Oregon Public Broadcasting Oregon Humane Society Planned Parenthood
American Cancer Society ACLU of Oregon American Red Cross
With the Big Guys temporarily sidelined, you still have these 51 worthy (if slightly smaller) groups to choose from. Which one do YOU think should get $500?
2017’s Yearly Winner- ELIGIBLE Groups
Family Dog’s New Life Shelter Save The Giants Elders In Action
Tualitin Riverkeeper Friends of Tryon Creek God’s Dogs
Our House of Portland Compassion International
Pilgrim Lutheran Church Moms Demand Action
Jobs With Justice Pinball Outreach American Rivers
Llewellyn School Urban League of Portland
Audobon Society Community Cycling Center
KBOO Radio Rex Foundation American Bladder Cancer Society
Southern Poverty Law Center JOIN PDX The Pixie Project
Adelante Mujeres Natural Resources Defense Council
Meals on Wheels Portland Rescue Mission Delete Blood Cancer
Greater Portland Bible Church Workers Justice Project NW
OCHIN- Healthcare Solutions Sister of the Road Café
Basic Rights Oregon Sierra Club Dougy Center
Shriners Hospital for Children BARK Mt. Hood KHNS Alaska
Sunstone Montessori School Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation
Raphael House The Sanders Institute (Bernie Sanders)
XRAY.FM Habitat for Humanity Mercy Corps
Northwest Children’s Outreach Leukemia and Lymphoma Society
Life Change Transitions American Refugee Committee
Green Acres Farm Sanctuary Out To Pasture Animal Sanctuary
Email your choice to Charles@TomDwyer.com with “Quarterly Award” in the subject line, call the shop at 503-230-2300 and tell them your pick, or look for a voting postcard on your next visit. Thanks for your support and participation, and look for the winner in our next newsletter!
What are they building across the street?
Sellwood Bridgehead, being built across the street from us at 8222 SE 6th, will be a 119 unit multi-family housing project with 49 underground parking spots. Everyone seems to ask about it when they come by the shop, so we’ll bring you a couple shots each month as our newest Sellwood neighbor takes shape. This month, we get to show you the “Before” and the first few months of “After”…
The last few days of life of the old brown warehouse
The view from our shop as construction gets well and truly underway
Excavation complete and ready for concrete
The parking basement, while only for 49 cars, is already taking shape with continual concrete pours

As the cap on the basement was finishing up, snow hit Portland

At night during the snowpocalypse as the first floor is almost ready for concrete
“In Our America” Signs
Have you seen these signs around town but wondered where to get your own? We’ve got yours here, because Tom Dwyer Automotive is proud to be a distribution point for “Nasty Women Get Shit Done PDX”, the group behind the signs. Yard signs are $10 each (complete with a spiffy wire frame), posters and bumper stickers are $3 each, and all proceeds go to the Nasty Women to help with the Resistance. If you can’t come by our shop then please drop by the Nasty Women website. It’s not just a great place to get your Resistance Kit, but a great place to join up!
Your reviews and referrals matter
We are constantly grateful for the supportive and loyal clients we have developed over the years. Your comments and appreciation keep us on the right road to providing the superior automotive service you deserve. Your reviews and referrals are not only the highest compliments we can receive, but they’re the lifeblood of our new business. If you like what you’ve found at Tom Dwyer Automotive Services, please tell a friend or take a minute to write a review on Yelp, Angieslist, Google, or the review site of your choice. Thank you!
Latest Automotive Recalls
Automobiles are just like any other product; occasional flaws in manufacture or design can cause problems once they leave the factory. When an issue is identified the manufacturers and government work hard to bring the vehicles back in for refit or repair, but not all recalls make the front pages. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a constantly updated list of recalls from every manufacturer. The last month’s recalls are below, but clicking the button at right will take you to the full list at the NHTSA website.