Category Archives: 2022 September

Tom’s Tidbits- What to do when feelings matter more than facts

It’s not news that we (as a country) are barely talking with each other anymore.   We’ve always fought, often loudly, with political battles lasting decades or lifetimes.  But we’ve almost always chosen (with the relevant exception of the Civil War) … Continue reading

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Get Ready for Winter- Two critical areas of concern for winter driving

(Originally posted Dec 2011, updated Sep 2020 and Sep 2022 by Tom Dwyer Automotive Services) Fall is just ending, but winter is just beginning.  No one wants to be left on the side of the road in winter weather!  It … Continue reading

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Sick of the political candidates?  It’s because you aren’t in the race. In a never-ending quest for common ground, we recently found agreement with Mitch McConnell’s lament about the Republicans’ poor ‘candidate quality’.  No doubt there Dems who are just … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 September, Feature Articles, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on RUN FOR SOMETHING!

Scary Old Man Dwyer’s Halloween Treats

All our Halloween Treats in one shallow grave “They” say there’s been strange goings-on at the old Dwyer Place lately, that old gray building down by the crumbly bridge.  Course, “they” say it’s a mighty strange place from the get-go… … Continue reading

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Shop Talk for September 2022

        Comment of the Month Our Outreach Advisor, Charles, was on lunch when a gentleman came by and left a potentially disturbing message… “Why do you have pictures of my young daughters in your Sellwood Bee ad?”      … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “Constitution of Knowledge” by Jonathan Rauch

Book Spotlight   “Constitution of Knowledge A Defense of Truth“ by Jonathan Rauch “In what could be the timeliest book of the year, Rauch aims to arm his readers to engage with reason in an age of illiberalism.” –Newsweek From … Continue reading

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Health Notes- Sniffing out Parkinson’s… literally

Health Notes Sniffing out Parkinson’s… literally.   Parkinson’s test: Woman who smelled disease on husband helps scientists from Elizabeth Quigley at BBC News:  A Scottish woman who found she could detect Parkinson’s through smell has inspired scientists to develop a … Continue reading

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Kyle’s Kitchen-  KYLE’S ORIGINAL Steamer Clams With Chorizo

        Ingredients: 1 tablespoon good olive oil 4-8 oz Spanish chorizo (do not use Mexican chorizo for this dish, it will not work) diced or sliced into thin rounds 1 shallot finely diced 5 garlic cloves finely … Continue reading

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Popcorn Shorts for September 2022

Popcorn Shorts Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them.  From the … Continue reading

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You have an appointment with the Department of Reality Studies!

“My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”  Do you believe that?  We don’t. Basic science, even basic consensual reality, seems under attack these days.  Science and education are increasingly something for the ‘elite’; something to be distrusted by … Continue reading

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