Popcorn Shorts for September 2022

Popcorn Shorts

Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article

Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them.  From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of info you’ll love to munch.  By the way, much (but not necessarily all) of our delicious Popcorn comes from articles we’ve posted on our Facebook page.  If you’re on Facebook, please stop by and “Like” us and we’ll keep a fairly-constant-but-not-frequent-enough-to-be-annoying stream of these coming to your virtual door!

Is Homer still our American Economic Everyman?

from NPR– “When the Simpsons debuted on our TVs in 1989, it was a picture-perfect, middle-class family. Homer Simpson had a union job with great benefits despite not having a college degree, the family owned two cars, and they lived in a spacious, two-story home. (Albeit, next to an annoying neighbor.)  30 years later, though, things have changed. Last year, (NPR’s) The Indicator followed up on an article in The Atlantic that posited that the Simpson’s lifestyle was no longer attainable in today’s world. Writers on The Simpsons listened and recently they followed up with an episode of their own!”  We have three articles for you…

Homer Simpson vs. the economy, Stacey Vanek Smith on Planet Money, Jun 2022

The Life in The Simpsons Is No Longer Attainable, Dani Alexis Ryskamp in The Atlantic, Dec 2020

Are The Simpsons Still Middle Class?  Stacey Vanek Smith on Planet Money, Mar 2021

15 Tiny Houses you can buy TODAY!

from PopularMechanics.com–  Tiny houses are hotter than ever, and it’s no wonder: There seems to be an infinite number of ways to design them and so many amazing uses for them—a backyard tiny house or shed can easily be a guest house, a fitness studio, a work-from-home space and so much more. There’s never been an easier way to start building yours. In fact, we rounded up 15 of the most amazing prefab tiny houses on Amazon. Just know that each manufacturer is different—some house kits are packaged with most of the materials you’ll need (windows, doors, etc.), while others provide just the main frame components as a sort of starter kit, so you can build out your house to your preferences…


Summer OFFICIALLY ended September 22, but UNOFFICIALLY, Summer keeps going in Oregon until the rains hit, and you still have time to squeeze in a little of the great outdoors.  We ran across a secluded beach on the north Oregon Coast that would be a perfect little day trip for Portlanders… from ThatOregonLife.com–  “Not far from Manzanita Oregon lies a little gem of a beach tucked in between volcanic basalt and sandstone cliffs and accessed via a trail through gorgeous coastal forests.  Short Sand beach features a waterfall in wet months and is popular with surfers, hikers, and nature enthusiasts.  One of the best things about this beach (aside from how pretty it is) is that the trail to get there is easy and perfect for families…”  You’ll find a little more info at “Short Sand Beach on the Oregon Coast—Hike, Surf, Chill!” from OregonIsForAdventure.com

How does the gas nozzle know when your tank is full?

Sometimes commonplace things are really amazing when you take the time to look at them.  For instance, have you ever wondered how a gas pump nozzle knows to stop when your gas tank is full?  There’s an elegantly simple answer, and here’s a video that explains it allfrom Jalopnik.com “The entire behavior of the fuel pump is based on simple fluid dynamics and the exchange of pressure which causes the gas to flow as well as stop when the gas reaches the top of the tank. I could try and parse it for you here, but it’s probably safer if you just watch the video and Mould’s engaging visual examples of the concepts involved..…”


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