Yearly Archives: 2011
Popcorn- A link between climate change and extreme weather? Never!
We shake our heads at the devasting floods in Alabama and Missouri, the wildfires in Texas, and the hurricane that just flooded the East Coast. All horrible events in themselves, but these things seem to be coming more often. Is … Continue reading
Popcorn- ReVolt aims to jumpstart the electric car industry
Just one of the problems facing the electric car industry (and many other green industries) is an affordable, dependable, durable, high-capacity battery technology. In its effort to become the greentech hub of America, Portland has brought a whole range of … Continue reading
Popcorn- LEAP works to make sure the power stays on
Energy is our most depended upon resource! What would happen if our city sustained a major disruption to our energy resources? Disruptions can stem from hazards such as an earthquake, flood, snowstorm, or political unrest, for example. Without energy sources … Continue reading
News To Make You Furious- The Climate Change Denial Machine
Science does not promise truth, and it never has. Science gives the best possible explanation of reality, though that explanation is always subject to revision. On climate change, there is a scientific consensus that it is real, human-caused, and increasing. … Continue reading
Kids visions of the future- “Car of the Future” contest winners!
If you ever want to be surprised, ask a kid their opinion. For the past three years at the Sellwood Park Concerts we’ve asked kids what cars will look like in the future and we haven’t been disappointed yet. We … Continue reading
Table Scraps
I’m Tom Dwyer, The vision of our country as a banquet for the Rich, where Poor and Working Class people squabble beneath the table over fallen scraps, has a name. It’s the very definition of a “trickle down” economy. Our … Continue reading
Labor Day 2011
I’m Tom Dwyer, Commercialization diminishes the real purpose of what should be Labor Day’s commemoration. U S Labor’s 300-year history struggling for better working conditions continues today. It’s always been more than just a civil debate; in the 1800’s … Continue reading
Illahee- Elinor Ostrum
I’m Tom Dwyer, Don’t miss the final event from the folks at the Illahee Lecture Series, they’ve been quietly building to the big finish of their 2011 season with Nobel Prize winner Elinor Ostrum. “The Commons” are the parts of … Continue reading
Business Fleet Services
I’m Tom Dwyer, In business, your vehicles are critical… every minute they’re off the road costs your company. Since 1981, we’ve provided precise service and maintained client satisfaction rates over 99%… but did you know we also offer programs specifically … Continue reading
Moving Planet- Portland… a climate action fest!
350ppm (parts per million) is the level determined by scientists to be the maximum safe level of carbon in the earth’s atmosphere for maintaining life. We are currently at 390ppm and rising- not safe! The international organization was created to highlight this … Continue reading