Popcorn- LEAP works to make sure the power stays on

Energy is our most depended upon resource! What would happen if our city sustained a major disruption to our energy resources? Disruptions can stem from hazards such as an earthquake, flood, snowstorm, or political unrest, for example.

Without energy sources such as electricity, petroleum, and natural gas, our day to day activities become limited.

The Portland Local Energy Assurance Plan (LEAP) is an emergency plan that will help us prepare for an energy disruption. The Portland Office of Emergency Management (POEM) is taking the lead in preparing the Portland LEAP.

To better prepare for an energy emergency, the community, energy providers and distributors, and emergency response organizations must be involved in emergency planning efforts. To facilitate that involvement, the Portland LEAP will engage people and will link existing information into an operational energy assurance plan. The plan will be accessible to all, and function as a tool that can be updated as new information is obtained.

To learn more about the Portland LEAP, visit the Portland LEAP website: http://www.portlandonline.com/oem/index.cfm?c=53662.

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