Category Archives: Uncategorized
Book Spotlight- “Perfectly Legal” by David Cay Johnston
More than five years on, and there still have been no prosecutions of any major figures in the financial meltdown that almost destroyed our country. There’s been a lot of reasons floated as to why… societal disruption, the banks own … Continue reading
News To Make You Furious- Parallel Construction? It means “lie”.
This month’s News To Make You Furious comes from unwilling Russian tourist Edward Snowden. Facile politicians are trying to wave away his accusations as simple exaggerations from an excitable press, but Snowden didn’t just find one program gone awry. He … Continue reading
News To Make You Furious- The Dumbing Down Of America
Where does the word “idiot” come from? It goes back to the inventors of democracy, the Greeks, who coined the term to describe people who didn’t (or couldn’t) participate in public life. Athenian “idiots” lived under laws and rules written … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts August 2013- Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article
Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of … Continue reading
Humorousness- Jokes that make you go “Hmmm….”
The best jokes don’t just make you laugh, they make you think as well. This month’s slice of Humorousness is a selection of jokes with morals; exactly the kind of jokes that make you think. Admittedly, some of them don’t … Continue reading
Book Spotlight- Crazy for reading
Health Notes this month gave you a small taste of how and why insanity is becoming one of our newest national products. Our Book Spotlight will give you three ways to bite off a little more on the subject. As … Continue reading
Sellwood Bridge Update- Three big changes you need to know about
The first thing to know is that the bridge is open and safe, and Multnomah County continues to do a magnificent job making sure that the inevitable traffic disruptions are kept to the barest minimum. If you’re planning to visit … Continue reading
Health Notes- Manufactured insanity
Why Life in America Can Literally Drive You Insane By Bruce Levine on AlterNet, July 30, 2013 In “The Epidemic of Mental Illness: Why?” (New York Review of Books, 2011), Marcia Angell, former editor-in-chief of the New England Journal of … Continue reading
Shop Talk- Goodbye to a friend of many years
Good luck to Mike Launder in his new, greener pasture We’d like to take a moment this month to say goodbye to Mike Launder, a friend and co-worker for more than 8 years. Mike is (was) one of our top … Continue reading
Drew’s Kitchen- California crab sandwich
Our blockbuster summer is continuing with temps in the 80’s and cloudless skies, and this perfect summer is inspiring Drew with another perfect summer treat. This month he brings us a recipe that’s a favorite of Tom Trapani of Millbrae, … Continue reading