Category Archives: humor
Humorousness- Philosoraptor, Success Baby, Courage Wolf, and more
Like you, we get a few emails each month that make us smile… of course, we get a lot more that don’t, but you won’t see those here. You’ll see jokes and riddles, cartoons and pictures, pretty much anything that … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts- Should Gravity Be Taught In Schools?
Most people believe that school should be a place of learning, and that students should be learning facts. It’s no place for untried theories or shaky science. So, in answer to one of the most important questions of our time, … Continue reading
“What NOW?!!” Toon for April
The Fight To Ban DHMO- Hydric Acid found in food, water supplies, much more
DHMO, hydric acid, di-hydrogen monoxide… it goes by a lot of names. The media never talks about it, our politicians don’t regulate it, and you’ve probably never heard of it before, but chances are you are unknowingly exposed to it … Continue reading
Humorousness- Do-It-Yourself Car Repair
Whether your vehicle needs something now or needs something that can wait, we’ll give you the straight story. But when your car needs something now and you just don’t have the money to take care of it, you may need … Continue reading
“What NOW?!!” Toons for March… You can’t see this one anywhere but here
Humorousness- Left-wing Bumper Stickers
Like you, we get a few emails each month that make us smile… of course, we get a lot more that don’t, but you won’t see those here. You’ll see jokes and riddles, cartoons and pictures, pretty much anything that … Continue reading
Popcorn- Yoda speaks out
Says it all, Yoda does. Balance and equity, his thoughts will bring you. With your friends share this link! Strong with the Force will you be.
Humorousness- Because life’s no fun without a few laughs
Welcome to our newest column, “Humorousness”. Like you, we get a few emails each month that make us smile… of course, we get a lot more that don’t, but we won’t send you those. You’ll see jokes and riddles, cartoons … Continue reading
“What NOW?!!” Toons- February 2012
You can’t see this one anywhere but here