The Fight To Ban DHMO- Hydric Acid found in food, water supplies, much more

DHMO, hydric acid, di-hydrogen monoxide… it goes by a lot of names.  The media never talks about it, our politicians don’t regulate it, and you’ve probably never heard of it before, but chances are you are unknowingly exposed to it every day.  DHMO is widely used as coolant in nuclear reactors and is critical to the production of biological and chemical weapons, but it’s also used in thousands of common food products.  Like any industrial chemical it can and does escape into the larger environment.  DHMO, known to be responsible for thousands of deaths each year worldwide, has been found in every lake, river, and stream in the US.  And that’s just the start…

Only one group,, is leading the fight to make people aware of this ubiquitous chemical.  They have built an exhaustive website describing the history of DHMO, its uses, problems, health impact, environmental impacts, and more.   If there is anything missing from the website, you may find it at this link to Uncyclopedia.  And, no matter how unpopular the issue or dangerous the material, there is always a lobbying group in favor of it.  Friends of Hydrogen Hydroxide has been formed to not only argue against DMHO regulation, but to actually increase its use.  Check them out for the “other side” of a one-sided issue.

Really, the only way to get the full story on this underreported killer is to go to, but we’ll give you some of the high points from their website below…

MSDS Data Sheet

Because DHMO is so common in industrial applications it has its own government-approved Material Safety and Data Sheet (MSDS) with chemical properties, exposure rules, disposal procedures, and all the technical details necessary for anyone working with this potentially dangerous chemical.

Industrial Applications

  • nuclear power plants
  • production of Styrofoam
  • biological and chemical weapons manufacture
  • spray-on fire suppressant and retardant
  • byproduct of hydrocarbon combustion in furnaces and air conditioning compressor operation
  • cult rituals
  • heroin addicts who often mix DHMO with heroin prior to injecting
  • the Serbian military ethnic cleansing campaign
  • many terrorist organizations
  • community swimming pools to maintain chemical balance
  • additive in homeopathic medicine
  • animal-based research laboratories
  • pesticide production and distribution
  • US military in the torture of suspected terrorists
  •  transportation companies use containers on top of a dihydrogen monoxide and sodium chloride solution to transport goods, although purer dihydrogen monoxide has also been used

Food Production and Contamination

  • Additive to food products, including jarred baby food and baby formula, and even in many soups, carbonated beverages and supposedly “all-natural” fruit juices
  • Cough medicines and other liquid pharmaceuticals
  • Spray-on oven cleaners
  • Shampoos, shaving creams, deodorants and numerous other personal care products
  • Bathtub bubble products marketed to children
  • Preservative in grocery store fresh produce sections
  • Production of beer by all the major beer distributors
  • Coffee available at major coffee houses in the US and abroad
  • Frequently used to clean food for packing, but food washed using DHMO frequently carries trace amounts

Health and Environmental Effects

  • While DHMO has been shown to aid athletic performance under controlled situations, it can be deadly if swallowed in large enough quantities.  It causes death within minutes when accidentally inhaled, even in small quantities.  Thousands die from DHMO exposure worldwide every year.
  • Prolonged exposure to solid DHMO causes severe tissue damage
  • Excessive ingestion produces symptoms including excessive urination, bloating, cramping, and more
  • DHMO is a major component of acid rain
  • Gaseous DHMO can cause severe burns
  • Contributes to soil erosion
  • Leads to corrosion and oxidation of many metals
  • Contamination of electrical systems with DHMO often causes short-circuits
  • Exposure decreases effectiveness of automobile brakes
  • Found in biopsies of pre-cancerous tumors and lesions

Communities Fighting Back

Only one municipality, Aliso Viejo, California, has made any attempt to ban DHMO on a large scale, but the campaign was abruptly stopped.  The official reason given was a “paralegal who did bad research”, but the influence of groups like Friends of Hydrogen Hydroxide may have played a role as well.  No further attempt to regulate DHMO has been made since this first attempt was stamped out, either by Aliso Viejo or by any other municipality.

What Can You Do

If reading this article has you wondering how you can help in the fight against DHMO, look no further. is the central clearing house for all DHMO activism, and if anyone can put you to work it will be them.  Beyond that, you can SPREAD THE WORD!  Forward this story to your friends, and make sure everyone knows about DHMO, the silent killer spreading around the world.

Please CLICK HERE for the latest on the fight to ban DHMO!

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