Referral Reward Program- Vote for our $500 Yearly Winner!
We need YOUR vote to determine our 2016 Yearly Winner and recipient of $500! We used to pick quarterly and yearly winners ourselves, but because we wanted to include our clients in the choice (and because it was agonizing to pick just ONE group by ourselves!) we opened it up for YOUR vote.
You’ll find all the groups we contributed to in 2016 listed below. Pick your favorite and send an email with your choice to Charles Letherwood at Charles@tomdwyer.com. Please include “Yearly Award” in your subject line so we’re sure to catch it. Please vote only once, and we’ll announce the winner in our next newsletter. Good luck with a tough choice, thanks for your help!
(One request, please. Oregon Humane Society and Oregon Food Bank are wonderful groups! We give to them in our Referral Reward Program throughout the year, and we’ll gladly keep doing it. But please, consider voting for one of the smaller groups as our Yearly Winner! They are big charities with lots of funding and our $500 would make less of a difference to them than it would to one of the many smaller groups on the list.)
Our 2016 Yearly Award candidates
1000 Friends of Oregon A Social Ignition ACLU
American Diabetes Assn ARC of Multnomah County
Artichoke Music Audobon Society Baby Blues Connection
backline Bicycle Transportation Alliance Bitch Media
Boy Scouts Boys and Girls Club Brady Campaign for Gun Violence
Central City Concern ChildFund International CLEAR Fund
CNBSeen Colorado Rocky Mountain School Common Cause
Community Cycling Center Community Music Doctors Without Borders
Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Emily’s List Environmental Defense Fund
Feldenkrais Educational Foundation North America Feral Cat Coalition
Free Geek Friends of Columbia River Gorge Friends of Haystack Rock
Friends of Multnomah County Library Friends of Tryon Creek Friends of Trees
Garibaldi Maritime Museum Girls Inc. of the Pacific NW KMHD KBOO
Health Care for all Oregon House of Dreams Cat Shelter Humane Society
Jeremy Wilson Foundation JOIN PDX Greater Portland Bible Church
Llewellyn School Loaves & Fishes Mahasiddha Buddhist Center
Make a Wish Mercy Corps Morrison Family Services
Multnomah County Library Neighborhood House Neighbors for Clean Air
NW Medical Teams NW Pilot Project OPB Oregon Food Bank
Oregon Hospice Association Oregon Humane Society Oregon Public Broadcasting
Oregon Wild Outdoor School p:ear Partners in Health
Planned Parenthood of Col/Wil PONGO Fund Pet Food Bank
Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center Portland Rescue Mission
Potluck in the park Project Lemonade Project South
Providence Cancer Research Planned Parenthood Rebuild Center
Sacred Stone Defense Fund Sage Metro PDX School House Supplies
Scrappdx.org Self Enhancement Inc., Sellwood Jr. Baseball
Shriners Hospital for Children Sierra Club Sisters of the Road Café
Southern Poverty Law Center Special Olympics Oregon
Street Roots Yakote Women Farmers Association
Our Referral Reward Program is our way of saying “thanks” when our clients generously refer new clients to our shop. Every time a new client comes in, we ask how they heard about us. When they give us a specific person we can track down, we call that person and make a donation to the non-profit group of their choice. Our donation varies from $10 to $50 depending on the new client’s first-visit spending, and we can donate to any group the referrer wants. The program has been very popular, and since we started in 2014 we’ve been privileged to make 363 donations totaling $15,777 including our quarterly and yearly awards! Here are the groups we donated to just in the last month…
Oregon Food Bank by Ginny S. Oregon Public Broadcasting by John O. and Josh H.
Planned Parenthood of Columbia/Willamette by George K. and Diane K.
Southern Poverty Law Center by Ariel T. Oregon Hospice Association by Mike B.
ACLU by Shannon L. Oregon Humane Society by Leah G. and Anna Kim L.
Talking Shop in 2016
In Your Car Matters we proudly cover a lot of ground that has nothing to do with cars. On the other hand, we are an auto repair shop, so some information about cars from time to time wouldn’t hurt! Our Shop Talk column is where it happens. Each month we bring you a comment from one of our clients, a review of our Referral Reward program, link you to auto recalls, tell you all our Special Offers, and occasionally tell you about something interesting here at the end of the Sellwood Bridge. Shop Talk is your go-to place for local automotive color, as these columns from 2016 prove!
January 2016 Shop Talk
Here’s how your comments matter
Lots of Big Big Winners!
Shop Talk for April 2016
“Tom D.”‘s Comment of the Month
Summer Concerts AND our Referral Reward Quarterly winner
One insider trick you MUST have for the Sellwood Park Concerts!
Comments from… cats
Election Party Update… it’s not good news.
A Wordless Comment
Dave Gettmann moves on down the road
Comment of the Month
In 2016 we added “Comment of the Month” to our Shop Talk column. You’ve probably noticed the Post-Service Feedback card in your vehicle after you have it serviced, and we encourage you to use it! We take your responses on these cards very seriously and use them to improve our services in every way. There are a few comments that we get all the time and others that are unique, but we thought you might be interested to see what other Dwyer clients are saying about their service experience. This month, since we’re in our 2016 lookback issue, we’ll share a simple sentiment that’s come up in one form or another on many cards from many clients for many years…
“Love the politics!”
We’re an auto repair shop, not a political organization. We offer sterling value in repair and maintenance and we know that’s why you come to us. However, we think it’s the obligation of citizens to participate in their communities and in a city as politically aware as Portland we do so gladly. We try not to be partisan and try to deal with issues rather than ideology, but when we have an opinion on any issue of the day you can be sure we’ll share it with you, for better or worse. In the coming political climate this conversation will be critical; civil, reasoned exploration of our society’s choices is the only hope to move forward. If you love the politics you be happy to know we won’t be stopping. If you don’t, we hope you’ll love our auto service enough to look past it!
Current Discount Offers

If your 2017 resolutions include catching up on long-neglected vehicle repairs, then the new year is already looking good because for a very limited time you can save 20% on Labor Charges on any Service Recommendations in your file before 1/1/17 with NO UPPER LIMIT! This is one of our most generous discounts, so act quickly because appointments will fill up soon!
Your reviews and referrals matter
We are constantly grateful for the supportive and loyal clients we have developed over the years. Your comments and appreciation keep us on the right road to providing the superior automotive service you deserve. Your reviews and referrals are not only the highest compliments we can receive, but they’re the lifeblood of our new business. If you like what you’ve found at Tom Dwyer Automotive Services, please tell a friend or take a minute to write a review on Yelp, Angieslist, Google, or the review site of your choice. Thank you!
Automobiles are just like any other product; occasional flaws in manufacture or design can cause problems once they leave the factory. When an issue is identified the manufacturers and government work hard to bring the vehicles back in for refit or repair, but not all recalls make the front pages. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a constantly updated list of recalls from every manufacturer. The last month’s recalls are below, but clicking the button at right will take you to the full list at the NHTSA website.
“In Our America” Signs
Our Technician Chris W. is married to Melanie, a very nasty woman. She’s so nasty she’s in a whole group of Nasty Women called “Nasty Women Get Shit Done PDX” where the Trump resistance will be centered in Portland. The Nasty Women are selling “In Our America” yard signs, posters, and bumper stickers to support the Resistance, and if you’d like to pick up your Nasty Women materials then swing by Tom Dwyer Automotive, an official distribution site for Nasty Women! (Yard signs are $10 each with the spiffy wire frame; posters and bumper stickers are $3 each). If you can’t come by our shop then please drop by their website at www.nwgsdpdx.com. It’s not just a great place to get your Resistance Kit, but a great place to join up!
Shop Talk- Talkin’ bout 2016, Votin’ for our Yearly Winner!
We need YOUR vote to determine our 2016 Yearly Winner and recipient of $500! We used to pick quarterly and yearly winners ourselves, but because we wanted to include our clients in the choice (and because it was agonizing to pick just ONE group by ourselves!) we opened it up for YOUR vote.
You’ll find all the groups we contributed to in 2016 listed below. Pick your favorite and send an email with your choice to Charles Letherwood at Charles@tomdwyer.com. Please include “Yearly Award” in your subject line so we’re sure to catch it. Please vote only once, and we’ll announce the winner in our next newsletter. Good luck with a tough choice, thanks for your help!
(One request, please. Oregon Humane Society and Oregon Food Bank are wonderful groups! We give to them in our Referral Reward Program throughout the year, and we’ll gladly keep doing it. But please, consider voting for one of the smaller groups as our Yearly Winner! They are big charities with lots of funding and our $500 would make less of a difference to them than it would to one of the many smaller groups on the list.)
Our 2016 Yearly Award candidates
1000 Friends of Oregon A Social Ignition ACLU
American Diabetes Assn ARC of Multnomah County
Artichoke Music Audobon Society Baby Blues Connection
backline Bicycle Transportation Alliance Bitch Media
Boy Scouts Boys and Girls Club Brady Campaign for Gun Violence
Central City Concern ChildFund International CLEAR Fund
CNBSeen Colorado Rocky Mountain School Common Cause
Community Cycling Center Community Music Doctors Without Borders
Doernbecher Children’s Hospital Emily’s List Environmental Defense Fund
Feldenkrais Educational Foundation North America Feral Cat Coalition
Free Geek Friends of Columbia River Gorge Friends of Haystack Rock
Friends of Multnomah County Library Friends of Tryon Creek Friends of Trees
Garibaldi Maritime Museum Girls Inc. of the Pacific NW KMHD KBOO
Health Care for all Oregon House of Dreams Cat Shelter Humane Society
Jeremy Wilson Foundation JOIN PDX Greater Portland Bible Church
Llewellyn School Loaves & Fishes Mahasiddha Buddhist Center
Make a Wish Mercy Corps Morrison Family Services
Multnomah County Library Neighborhood House Neighbors for Clean Air
NW Medical Teams NW Pilot Project OPB Oregon Food Bank
Oregon Hospice Association Oregon Humane Society Oregon Public Broadcasting
Oregon Wild Outdoor School p:ear Partners in Health
Planned Parenthood of Col/Wil PONGO Fund Pet Food Bank
Portland Opportunities Industrialization Center Portland Rescue Mission
Potluck in the park Project Lemonade Project South
Providence Cancer Research Planned Parenthood Rebuild Center
Sacred Stone Defense Fund Sage Metro PDX School House Supplies
Scrappdx.org Self Enhancement Inc., Sellwood Jr. Baseball
Shriners Hospital for Children Sierra Club Sisters of the Road Café
Southern Poverty Law Center Special Olympics Oregon
Street Roots Yakote Women Farmers Association
Our Referral Reward Program is our way of saying “thanks” when our clients generously refer new clients to our shop. Every time a new client comes in, we ask how they heard about us. When they give us a specific person we can track down, we call that person and make a donation to the non-profit group of their choice. Our donation varies from $10 to $50 depending on the new client’s first-visit spending, and we can donate to any group the referrer wants. The program has been very popular, and since we started in 2014 we’ve been privileged to make 363 donations totaling $15,777 including our quarterly and yearly awards! Here are the groups we donated to just in the last month…
Oregon Food Bank by Ginny S. Oregon Public Broadcasting by John O. and Josh H.
Planned Parenthood of Columbia/Willamette by George K. and Diane K.
Southern Poverty Law Center by Ariel T. Oregon Hospice Association by Mike B.
ACLU by Shannon L. Oregon Humane Society by Leah G. and Anna Kim L.
Talking Shop in 2016
In Your Car Matters we proudly cover a lot of ground that has nothing to do with cars. On the other hand, we are an auto repair shop, so some information about cars from time to time wouldn’t hurt! Our Shop Talk column is where it happens. Each month we bring you a comment from one of our clients, a review of our Referral Reward program, link you to auto recalls, tell you all our Special Offers, and occasionally tell you about something interesting here at the end of the Sellwood Bridge. Shop Talk is your go-to place for local automotive color, as these columns from 2016 prove!
January 2016 Shop Talk
Here’s how your comments matter
Lots of Big Big Winners!
Shop Talk for April 2016
“Tom D.”‘s Comment of the Month
Summer Concerts AND our Referral Reward Quarterly winner
One insider trick you MUST have for the Sellwood Park Concerts!
Comments from… cats
Election Party Update… it’s not good news.
A Wordless Comment
Dave Gettmann moves on down the road
In 2016 we added “Comment of the Month” to our Shop Talk column. You’ve probably noticed the Post-Service Feedback card in your vehicle after you have it serviced, and we encourage you to use it! We take your responses on these cards very seriously and use them to improve our services in every way. There are a few comments that we get all the time and others that are unique, but we thought you might be interested to see what other Dwyer clients are saying about their service experience. This month, since we’re in our 2016 lookback issue, we’ll share a simple sentiment that’s come up in one form or another on many cards from many clients for many years…
“Love the politics!”
We’re an auto repair shop, not a political organization. We offer sterling value in repair and maintenance and we know that’s why you come to us. However, we think it’s the obligation of citizens to participate in their communities and in a city as politically aware as Portland we do so gladly. We try not to be partisan and try to deal with issues rather than ideology, but when we have an opinion on any issue of the day you can be sure we’ll share it with you, for better or worse. In the coming political climate this conversation will be critical; civil, reasoned exploration of our society’s choices is the only hope to move forward. If you love the politics you be happy to know we won’t be stopping. If you don’t, we hope you’ll love our auto service enough to look past it!
Current Discount Offers
Save 20% on service recommendations in your file before January 1, 2017!
If your 2017 resolutions include catching up on long-neglected vehicle repairs, then the new year is already looking good because for a very limited time you can save 20% on Labor Charges on any Service Recommendations in your file before 1/1/17 with NO UPPER LIMIT! This is one of our most generous discounts, so act quickly because appointments will fill up soon!
We are constantly grateful for the supportive and loyal clients we have developed over the years. Your comments and appreciation keep us on the right road to providing the superior automotive service you deserve. Your reviews and referrals are not only the highest compliments we can receive, but they’re the lifeblood of our new business. If you like what you’ve found at Tom Dwyer Automotive Services, please tell a friend or take a minute to write a review on Yelp, Angieslist, Google, or the review site of your choice. Thank you!
Automobiles are just like any other product; occasional flaws in manufacture or design can cause problems once they leave the factory. When an issue is identified the manufacturers and government work hard to bring the vehicles back in for refit or repair, but not all recalls make the front pages. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a constantly updated list of recalls from every manufacturer. The last month’s recalls are below, but clicking the button at right will take you to the full list at the NHTSA website.
Our Technician Chris W. is married to Melanie, a very nasty woman. She’s so nasty she’s in a whole group of Nasty Women called “Nasty Women Get Shit Done PDX” where the Trump resistance will be centered in Portland. The Nasty Women are selling “In Our America” yard signs, posters, and bumper stickers to support the Resistance, and if you’d like to pick up your Nasty Women materials then swing by Tom Dwyer Automotive, an official distribution site for Nasty Women! (Yard signs are $10 each with the spiffy wire frame; posters and bumper stickers are $3 each). If you can’t come by our shop then please drop by their website at www.nwgsdpdx.com. It’s not just a great place to get your Resistance Kit, but a great place to join up!