Category Archives: Uncategorized
”Idiot lights”? Only if you don’t understand them!
What do your dashboard warning lights mean? Some people call them “idiot lights” but they’re more properly called “dashboard warning lights”… they’re the Christmas Tree display of lights that come on every time you start your car. If everything’s running … Continue reading
“1998 and Newer” isn’t for everyone
If you’re an existing client, we’ll gladly work on your older cars! While most shops will work on anything that limps into the lot, we limit new clients with older vehicles (currently older than 1998). We have good reasons for … Continue reading
Drew’s Kitchen- Kelley’s Creamed Potatoes & Peas
Celebrity watchers at the first Sellwood Park Summer Concert may have caught a glimpse of Drew enjoying a picnic with his entourage. Perfect weather, perfect picnic, perfect music; all inspiration for this perfect picnic side dish recipe. This one’s been … Continue reading
Shop Talk- Calendar nominations, road trip tips, and an indestructible kitten
Call for Nominations- 2014 Tom Dwyer Charitable Giving Calendar! We always feel a little silly this time of year because, even though you’re finally enjoying the sun for the first time in 8 months, we’re about to ask you about … Continue reading
Health Notes- The sweetener that gives monkeys tumors
Here’s a situation we’ve all been in… you’re working in a lab on an anti-ulcer drug, but you create a methyl ester of a phenylalanine/aspartic acid dipeptide. You accidently spill some of it, but instead of cleaning it up with … Continue reading
Sellwood Bridge Update- What’s missing in this picture?
Portland weather reports are pretty boring through the summer. They’re always “sunny and warm, with a slight chance of widely scattered showers”. The reports may be dull but you know it means the weather will be nice. It’s kinda the … Continue reading
Book Spotlight- Surprise! No one’s innocent
One of the most common rationalizations from the citizenry to permit continued surveillance is that “If you don’t have anything to hide, then it doesn’t matter if the government is watching you”. Maybe, but “not having anything to hide” isn’t … Continue reading
Humorousness- The lighter side of Orwellian Hell
One of the oldest theories of comedy is that comedy is built on pain. So, in keeping with our NSA issue this month, we sent our intrepid Humorousness news team in search of something funny about an overpowering government listening … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts for July 2013
Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of … Continue reading
News To Make You Furious- Small problems, big guns
This month’s NSA scandals alone were enough to fill several Furious columns, but with Snowden hogging the front page we looked around for something less obvious for this month’s Furious. It didn’t take long to find it. From the bankers … Continue reading