Category Archives: Uncategorized
We’re shocked… SHOCKED!
DoD catalogs hundreds of pages of ethical lapses Pick up the paper these days and you’re likely to read about the latest military scandals. The Navy is dealing with bribery, lavish trips, and prostitutes, the Air Force and Navy have … Continue reading
Support your local Union Thug!
Complete info on the Portland Teacher’s fight On February 5, Portland teachers voted to authorize a strike in their current conflict with the Portland Public Schools (PPS). According to the most recent KATU report, “Both sides gave each other updated … Continue reading
Drew’s Kitchen- Fried pasta with eggs, pepper, and Parmesan
Nothing beats a comfortable weekend breakfast; lounging around in your bathrobe, sipping coffee, reading the newspaper while the radio plays in the background. Ahhh! Drew’s selection this month will help you make this idyllic morning happen, and there are plenty … Continue reading
Shop Talk- A rare blizzard of special offers
We tend not to run service discounts very often, but we know everyone loves to save money. As it happens, though, we have two special offers going on right now that you might want to consider. One will help others … Continue reading
Health Notes- 7 drug dangers we learned about too late
7 Drugs Whose Dangerous Risks Emerged Only After Big Pharma Made Its Money by Martha Rosenberg on AlterNet Have you ever noticed how warnings about dangerous prescription drugs always seem to surface after the drug is no longer marketed and … Continue reading
Sellwood Bridge Update- Rare bridge closure, February 15-19
Please Note: The closure mentioned in this article is for FEBRUARY 2014. The bridge is (most likely) open and functioning right now. The Sellwood Bridge Project is huge, no doubt about it. We’ve been lucky to have a front-row seat … Continue reading
Book Spotlight- Two must-reads from our clients
When you have to wait with us for your vehicle’s repair it’s a mixed blessing. You’re know you’re going to be stuck in our marginally comfortable waiting room for an undefined period, but you also know you’ll have our ever-growing … Continue reading
Humorousness- Our in-depth Olympic coverage
Your Car Matters is worth nothing if not salt, so we’re covering the Olympics in the only place that makes any sense to us… our Humorousness column. Yes, when you’re done with the amateurish dreck ladled out by NBC, click … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts for February 2014
Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to … Continue reading
News To Make You Furious- West Virginia Water Disaster
In November 2010, “News To Make You Furious” started as a focus on the 20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez disaster. It is appropriate, therefore, that we augment your anger this month with another story about a spill, this time … Continue reading