Category Archives: News To Make You Furious

News To Make You Furious- The Dumbing Down Of America

Where does the word “idiot” come from?  It goes back to the inventors of democracy, the Greeks, who coined the term to describe people who didn’t (or couldn’t) participate in public life.  Athenian “idiots” lived under laws and rules written … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 August, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- The Dumbing Down Of America

News To Make You Furious- Small problems, big guns

This month’s NSA scandals alone were enough to fill several Furious columns, but with Snowden hogging the front page we looked around for something less obvious for this month’s Furious.  It didn’t take long to find it. From the bankers … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 July, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Small problems, big guns

News To Make You Furious- Global Warming Lies in Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal

In September of 2001, “News To Make You Furious” took an unbiased look at the global warming debate in an article titled “They’re not wrong, they’re lying.”  (If that doesn’t sound unbiased, think again.  It’s entirely possible to come to … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 June, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Global Warming Lies in Murdoch’s Wall Street Journal

News To Make You Furious- The Monsanto Protection Act

The Agricultural Revolution gave humans the ability to abandon subsistence hunting and gathering.  We learned that we could feed ourselves one season and, if we saved enough seed, we could even plant a new crop the next year.  This concept … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 May, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- The Monsanto Protection Act

News To Make You Furious- Unemployment isn’t a problem for Lanny Breuer

Who, you may ask, is Lanny Breuer?  If you’ve been following News To Make You Furious lately then you know, but it’s hardly a household name.  It should be, though.  Few people have had as big an effect on the … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 April, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Politics, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Unemployment isn’t a problem for Lanny Breuer

News To Make You Furious- Prison For Profit- The low price of your liberty

Profit is great.  Enlightened self-interest is a spectacular motivator that drives our economic system.  Nothing incentivizes a behavior like making it profitable in one form or another. But here’s a blasphemy… profit is not the only good in our world!  … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 March, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Prison For Profit- The low price of your liberty

News To Make You Furious- With Liberty and Justice for those who can afford it

Two things increased our ire this month, and it doesn’t take a very close look to see that they are intimately related.  It also doesn’t take a very close look to see the cancer that each exposes in a society … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 February, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- With Liberty and Justice for those who can afford it

News To Make You Furious- Our Yearly Wrap-up Of Wrath

When the 20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez spill passed in 2009, it went almost unnoticed.  We were so furious at the minimal coverage that we decided to do what little we could about it, so our “News To Make … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 January, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Our Yearly Wrap-up Of Wrath

News To Make You Furious- Media Consolidation means Opinion Consolidation

The KPOJ fiasco has raised fundamental questions of how alternative points of view can flourish in a free market.  If (as the company line goes) a radio format is losing money, is there any obligation to provide a forum for … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 Nov Dec, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Media Consolidation means Opinion Consolidation

Furious- Where are the Wall Street prosecutions?

A Rare Look at Why the Government Won’t Fight Wall Street by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone, September 18 The great mystery story in American politics these days is why, over the course of two presidential administrations (one from each … Continue reading

Posted in 2012 October, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Furious- Where are the Wall Street prosecutions?