Category Archives: 2022 April

Tom’s Tidbits- Reality matters most in this time of universal deceit

  Tom’s Tidbits Reality matters most in this time of universal deceit When I’m writing these monthly editorials I try to bring something useful to the table by avoiding shallow partisanship and addressing the deeper meanings behind the headlines, the … Continue reading

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This is a REAL fish, and there’s MUCH more to the story

This is a REAL fish We found a perfect Oregon story at the bottom of a deep rabbit hole You know how it is.  You’re surfing the InterTubes, minding your own business, and you see a post that grabs your … Continue reading

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Shop Talk for April, 2022- Nancy thinks we’re just awesome!

    Comment of the Month Nancy K. had a very brief, very much appreciated comment… “You all are AWESOME!” We get a lot of compliments on these Comment Cards, and a general compliment to our staff is one of … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “The End of Loyalty” by Rick Wartzman

  “The End of Loyalty” The rise and fall of good jobs in America By Rick Wartzman In the current era of intense global competition, advancing technology, weakness in organized labor and a worshiping of shareholder value, the idea of … Continue reading

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Health Notes- Should you reconsider your daily aspirin?

Health Notes Should you reconsider your daily aspirin?   A daily aspirin has been standard advice for years to reduce the chances of heart attack and stroke.  And now, of course, new science says it may be time to reconsider … Continue reading

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Kyle’s Kitchen-  Kyle’s Baked Trout (or Salmon)

Kyle’s Kitchen Kyle’s Baked Trout (or Salmon) With Spring upon us Kyle is spending more and more time out on the lake fishing.  Trout season is almost here as well, so he’s taking this opportunity to show you his preferred … Continue reading

Posted in 2022 April, Kyle's Kitchen, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Kyle’s Kitchen-  Kyle’s Baked Trout (or Salmon)

Popcorn Shorts for April, 2022

Popcorn Shorts Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them.  From the … Continue reading

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Rebadged Vehicles- Are they for you?

Rebadged Vehicles In today’s expensive car market, they can save you thousands of dollars!   (by Ian Park, special to “Your Car Matters”.  Originally posted Nov 2010, updated Apr 2022) Did you know that the Toyota Matrix is almost exactly … Continue reading

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You have an appointment with the Department of Reality Studies!

“My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”  Do you believe that?  We don’t. Basic science, even basic consensual reality, seems under attack these days.  Science and education are increasingly something for the ‘elite’; something to be distrusted by … Continue reading

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Welcome to THE FUNNY PAGE!

THE FUNNY PAGE If you never read our monthly Humorousness column, you see the problem… no one else ever read it either.  That’s a shame, too, because there was some pretty funny stuff on it.  Once in a while.  Well, … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 April, 2020 August, 2020 December, 2020 February, 2020 January, 2020 July, 2020 June, 2020 March, 2020 May, 2020 November, 2020 October, 2020 September, 2021 April, 2021 August, 2021 December, 2021 February, 2021 January, 2021 July, 2021 June, 2021 March, 2021 May, 2021 November, 2021 October, 2021 September, 2022 April, 2022 August, 2022 February, 2022 January, 2022 July, 2022 Mar, 2022 May-June, 2022 November, 2022 October, 2022 September, 2023 Apr, 2023 August, 2023 December, 2023 Feb Mar, 2023 January, 2023 July, 2023 June, 2023 May, 2023 October, 2023 September, 2024 April, 2024 February, 2024 January, 2024 June, 2024 March, 2024 May, Feature Articles, Humorousness, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, The Funny Page, What NOW Toons | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Welcome to THE FUNNY PAGE!