Category Archives: 2020 August

You have an appointment with the Department of Reality Studies!

“My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”  Do you believe that?  We don’t. Basic science, even basic consensual reality, seems under attack these days.  Science and education are increasingly something for the ‘elite’; something to be distrusted by … Continue reading

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We do DEQ-2!

With the current lines at Oregon DEQ, this can be a real relief! We do just about everything else for your vehicle, but did you know we can do your emission testing through DEQ TOO?  DEQ TOO is a program … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 August, Environmental, Feature Articles, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on We do DEQ-2!

Popcorn Shorts for August 2020

Popcorn Shorts Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them.  From the … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “It Was All A Lie” PLUS: The Reading Habits Of Five Generations!

        It Was All A Lie- How The Republican Party Became Donald Trump by Stuart Stevens from the publisher– “Stuart Stevens spent decades electing Republicans at every level, from presidents to senators to local officials. He knows … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 August, Book Spotlight, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Book Spotlight- “It Was All A Lie” PLUS: The Reading Habits Of Five Generations!

Health Notes- Battling Alzheimer’s with light and sound

Battling Alzheimer’s with light and sound President Trump infamously recommended putting light “inside the body” to fight Covid.  Doctors were quick to point out that this was delusional, but research is showing light and sound can actually be useful against … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 August, Health Notes, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Health Notes- Battling Alzheimer’s with light and sound

Drew’s Kitchen- Crab Mac & Cheese

If mac and cheese is the ultimate comfort food, is CRAB mac and cheese the ultimate-ER comfort food?     Ingredients:  1 lb. elbow pasta ¼ cup butter 1 shallot, finely diced 3 cloves garlic, minced ¼ cup all-purpose flour … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 August, Drew's Kitchen, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Drew’s Kitchen- Crab Mac & Cheese

Shop Talk- Carwash Coupon Season

        Comment of the Month- Client Carol B. wrote- “We rely on our van in order to deliver our far produce.  You make it possible- we couldn’t ask for better service.” Thank you Carol!  Everyone has their … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 August, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Shop Talk | Comments Off on Shop Talk- Carwash Coupon Season

To Mask or not to Mask

How the Mask debate is playing out here at our shop As the entire world deals with Covid, we thought we’d tell you how the controversy over mask-wearing is playing out here at the shop.  Here are all our covid-related … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 August, Feature Articles, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Tagged , , | Comments Off on To Mask or not to Mask

Welcome Republicans!

It’s official now… Biden v. Trump.  I think Bernie had a better diagnosis of the country’s problems and a better prescription to fix them, and I think the Dems are missing a golden opportunity to reboot our country.  I have … Continue reading

Posted in 2020 August, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Tom's Tidbits | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Welcome Republicans!

Welcome to THE FUNNY PAGE!

THE FUNNY PAGE If you never read our monthly Humorousness column, you see the problem… no one else ever read it either.  That’s a shame, too, because there was some pretty funny stuff on it.  Once in a while.  Well, … Continue reading

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