Category Archives: 2017 Feb Mar NL
It’s time to euthanize for-profit health care!
Greetings! Once upon a time you could pay your doctor with chickens, but you always get what you pay for. Costs grew with technology until individual fee-for-service medical care became too expensive. Health insurance spread those costs to make health … Continue reading
The Envelope, Please…
Here’s the winner of our $500 Referral Reward yearly award Our Referral Reward Program is our way of saying “thanks” when our existing clients generously refer new clients to our shop. Every time a new client comes in we ask … Continue reading
The Best Turks are the Young Turks
The best news you aren’t watching… but everyone else is The Founders thought the Press important enough to protect it in the Constitution, while Donald Trump calls it the “enemy of the people”. Who to believe? There’s truth in both … Continue reading
Keith Tuckers Toon for Feb-Mar 2017
Chicken Portobello Lasagna
If lasagna isn’t your favorite food we bet it’s at least in the top 10. If it’s possible to get tired of ground beef, cheese, more cheese, and tomato sauce then Drew is ready to ride to your rescue. His … Continue reading
Pacifying the Digital Natives
Maybe it’s just the Future we’ll have to live with… people connected to their phones and computers, not as a luxury, but as a necessity. The number of people who remember a world without computers is dwindling every day, leaving … Continue reading
“Dereliction of Duty” by H.R. McMaster
One of President Trump’s most interesting staff picks has been General H.R. McMaster to replace General Michael Flynn as National Security Advisor. McMaster has received a generally warm reception from both sides of the aisle, and has been referred to … Continue reading
The April Fools’ Pranks You’ll Absolutely Need
April Fool’s Month is here. No, really! Don’t go into a battle of wits unarmed… prepare yourself with these pranks! 10 Amazing Practical Jokes– Quirkology on YouTube 21 Of The Greatest Practical Jokes You’ve Ever Heard on Thought Catalog … Continue reading
“In Our America” signs are available In Our Shop!
Comment of the Month This month’s comment comes from the “What can we do to improve?” section of our Post-Service Feedback Cards. Client Timmi B. said… “My car is under warranty but if it needs repair … Continue reading →