Author Archives: tomdwyer
Book Spotlight- “Battlefield America”
The Trump Administration recently announced that it is “is deploying law enforcement tactical units from the southern border as part of a supercharged arrest operation in sanctuary cities across the country, an escalation in the president’s battle against localities that … Continue reading
Humorousness- The truth about married romance… in Tweets.
Ahhh, Valentine’s Day. We just passed the big day for romance, staring longingly across a table, and long walks on the beach. Of course we all know where such shenanigans lead… marriage, and marriage changes romance. Here’s a collection of … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts for February 2020
Popcorn Shorts- Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the … Continue reading
News To Make You Furious- Relax… they’re just here to protect and serve
One stereotype of a certain type of Trump supporter is an overweight paranoid stockpiling weapons against the day the “government’s jackbooted thugs” come kicking in doors. Such a person should be facing some severely mixed … Continue reading
Tom’s Tidbits- To a very few Senate Republicans…
To a very few Republican members of the Senate, You know who you are, though I don’t. You watched President Trump last night and you can’t look away any longer. You know you’re supposed to acquit him today, but you … Continue reading
Tom’s Tidbits- Trump’s fate is the least of what’s at stake
Greetings, It’s coming down to the wire now, but the fate of one broken man is the least of what’s at stake. The country’s direction, even the very existence of a constitutional republic are also imperiled, but I’d argue even … Continue reading
Someone wants to steal your cat!
Catalytic converter theft is growing for a reason Stealing catalytic converters (or ‘cats’ to the cool kids) is big business in Portland and beyond. They’re great for thieves because they’re self-contained, easy to steal, easy to sell, and worth big … Continue reading
Keith Tucker’s What NOW?!! Toon for January
Tom’s Tidbits- CorpraDems
Greetings, When I vote in 10 months it will be for the Democrat, because I know any of them would be better than the abomination behind the desk now. BUT… not all Democrats are created equal. The civil war in … Continue reading
What did Rudy do on his Christmas vacation?
As we write this, the impeachment trial of Donald Trump is beginning in the Senate. It’s a political activity with grandstanding, hypocrisy, and political theater abounding. No matter how hard they try, no Senator will be able to avoid SOME … Continue reading