Shop Talk for Feb 2021- What’s the deal with our 18-month reminders?

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We’ve had a string of clients making the same comment for quite a while now, in one form or another…

 “Don’t take me off your list!”

They’d just received one of our 18-month reminder notices and were worried we’d stop servicing their vehicles.  NOT SO!  If you received one of these notices yourself, DON’T WORRY!  These won’t affect your service AT ALL, you just won’t be receiving any more reminders.  Here’s what’s going on…

While we do superior automotive repair, we’d rather not.  We’d rather “keep your vehicle safe, breakdown free, and operating at its best” through maintenance rather than repair, preventing repair rather than counting on it. But we understand that not everyone is as fanatically dedicated to vehicle care as we are, and most folks need some occasional prompting to stay up on their maintenance.

Most oil changes are “due” around 6 months, so if we haven’t seen you since your last oil change we send a reminder to check in.  Of course not everyone is ready for service then and many who are forget to schedule, so again if we haven’t heard from you in a couple months we send another reminder.  We send these reminders at 6-, 8-, 10-, 12-, and 15-month intervals.  (Each reminder comes with increasing discounts for inspection and service because the longer we go without seeing your vehicle, the more likely its status may have changed and the more likely you are to need service).

If we haven’t seen you for a full 18-months we send a final reminder.  IT IS NOT TO STOP SERVICE FOR YOU, YOUR VEHICLE, OR ANY OTHER VEHICLES YOU MAY HAVE SERVICED BY US!   It’s to let you know that we JUST WON’T BE SENDING ANYMORE PERIODIC REMINDERS.  We’ll still keep all your vehicle records on file and we’ll gladly pick up where we left off if you decide to return to service.

Of course, if we haven’t seen a client in 18 months there’s probably a reason.  Covid has kept many of our clients away for far too long, but usually because the client moved or bought new cars.  Some people don’t come back because we fell short in some way.  Whatever the reason we want to know, so we include a pre-stamped reply card.  If we’ve failed, we want to fix it, but if we’ve served you well we’d like to know that too.

If you haven’t been back because you bought a new vehicle covered under warranty, we can still help.  In most cases we can provide the maintenance services your new vehicle requires (ask your Service Advisor about your specific warranty or check out our article “The Case of the Disappearing Clients”), but there’s another way.  We’ve all heard stories about expensive repairs that hit the day after the warranty ends.  That’s not an accident… dealers will often ‘overlook’ expensive repairs their warranties may make them liable for.  You can avoid this by letting us give you our coupon for a “Second Set of Eyes”, a coupon for our most in-depth Comprehensive Inspection ($150 value) absolutely free.  Write your warranty expiration date on the card and put it on your refrigerator for now.  But then, just BEFORE YOUR WARRANTY RUNS OUT, bring it in to us.  We’ll check it over for any issues the Dealer may have “missed” so you can get it taken care of before they become expenses for you.  And no matter what, remember we’ll be here when the warranty actually ends!

So that’s it.  If you get an 18-month reminder it just means you won’t be getting any more mail from us until we hear from you again.  We’re still here for you, and will be for many years to come!


Tough choices about spending priorities often means auto maintenance suffers, but delaying maintenance too long can have long term effects on your vehicle.   If we’ve made service recommendations you haven’t acted on, our Auto Amnesty offer will save you 30% off Labor Charges on service recommendations already in your file as of 12/1/20.  Auto Amnesty is a great way to catch up on the services you may have been putting off!

Offer expires 2/19/21
$200 minimum purchase required
Discount limited to service recommendations in your Tom Dwyer file as of 12/1/20
You must tell us you want this offer WHEN YOU SCHEDULE YOUR SERVICE!

Things are still tight for everyone in Covid World so we’re continuing our 25% Labor Discount for now.  If you took advantage of the 33% or 30% level, THANK YOU for keeping us open during some of our darkest days!  If you haven’t taken advantage of this amazing offer yet, act now… the vaccines mean a more secure lifetime for everyone, but a limited lifetime for our Covid Discount.

Offer expires 2/19/21
$200 minimum purchase required

(10% off Labor for services under $200)

You must tell us you want this offer WHEN YOU SCHEDULE YOUR SERVICE!

We also have a couple ongoing offers you might find valuable…

CNPButtonCarbon Neutral Program

Save 10% on labor charges and drive carbon-free during your one-year membership

 Referral Reward ProgramRefRewardsButton

We make a donation to the non-profit group YOU care about whenever a new client gives us your name as a referral source

RequestAppointmentButtonClick here to request an appointment, or just call us at 503-230-2300 to talk with one of our non-commissioned Service Advisors!


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