Shop Talk- Ready to get back to work?

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Comment-of-the-Month-ButtonComment of the Month

Our Comment this month is an increasingly common sentiment across the country during these Covid times.  If there IS a right  answer we obviously didn’t know it, but we did the best we could…

“Dear Tom,

Regarding your recent card mailing urging customers to please support your business because of current conditions – if my car needed anything at all to be done in the near future, I’d gladly would have scheduled something.

OTOH, I urge you to contact the Governor who will ultimately decide how many businesses wind up failing because of the current draconian measures. Even though I’ve been wearing a mask whenever I’ve ventured out over the past four weeks, I rarely witness anyone else doing the same. Not many citizens are taking this seriously, and I’m beginning to think they may have a point.

The state has been completely opaque on the number of cases that they’re seeing presently, and their initial models have proven to be so off the mark that now local hospitals are having to lay off large numbers of staff because of the large shortfall in expected COVID patients. The only way for the many small and medium businesses to get going again here in Portland is to begin putting pressure on the reopening of the economy, NOW. 

They’re not listening to people like me (I can’t even get through, the lines are always jammed), but they may listen to the business owners.  I appreciate the work that your staff does, and I don’t want to see it suffer.  It hurts not only the regular customers, but also the surrounding community.”

Regards, David M.

Hi David,

Thank you for your offer of support and don’t worry, we’ll be here when your car’s ready for us!

I share your desire to get the economy started again, and I’m pretty sure it’s not just us.  Everyone I know or hear about is tired of the quarantine and itching to get back to work… no one wants to stay home and just wait.  We’re pretty conflicted about working right now ourselves.  Our desire to stay open and functional as an ‘essential business’ is in direct conflict with the very real need to stay home and starve this virus.  As you point out, the pain (either way) is shared by the surrounding community.

But I don’t get the feeling that businesses were/are being closed arbitrarily.  Despite the deep disagreements I have with many of them, I think most of our political leaders are listening to the science and the brave ones are acting on what they hear.  No politician wants to be associated with the cratering of the economy!  Yet (with glaring exceptions) they’ve put their political lives on the line to do it because the price of inaction is the likely death of thousands of our fellow citizens.

I may be wrong, but based on the science it seems a little early to push for reopening right now.  There will come a time, hopefully soon, where it will make sense to start.  There might even come a day when we’ve waited too long to reopen… if that day comes we’ll be on the front lines pushing with you.  But right now, provisionally, with caveats, it seems to make the most sense to hunker down and keep each other safe.  For now.





Current Special Offers

Take advantage of these special Tom Dwyer offers!

I moved Tom Dwyer Automotive Services to Sellwood during the Black Monday Crash almost 33 years ago.  Our clients’ support helped us grow through that bleak economy to build a strong, stable company of gifted professionals who return real value to our community.  Today’s crisis has forced us to reduce staff and hours, cut expenditures, and all while facing a drastic drop in client visits.  I know we’re not alone, but if we’re forced to close our doors now then our company could be all but impossible for us to rebuild.

There are many priorities for your money right now, but I’m asking you to make Tom Dwyer Automotive Services one of them and I want to make it as painless as possible.  For the next few weeks we’re offering a 33% discount on Labor Charges.  This can be a huge financial boost to you and though we couldn’t afford to make this offer in normal times, right now it can help keep vehicles in our shop, our doors open, and our team together.  If you CAN consider vehicle repair right now, please do… and please accept our deepest thanks.

As the economy changes over the coming weeks and months, we’ll re-evaluate the discount .  Act now for the biggest advantage, act soon and you may get slightly less, but act at all and you’ll be helping to preserve the team you depend on. On behalf of myself and our company I offer our deepest thanks and appreciation to our clients and our Sellwood community, and our best wishes for all of us in these unprecedented times.

Offer extended to 5/15/20
$125 minimum purchase required
You must tell us you want this offer WHEN YOU SCHEDULE YOUR SERVICE!



We’re building a 100% Carbon Neutral Vehicle Fleet, so we want YOU to sign up right now!  This isn’t some cynical ploy to use Climate Change to benefit our company.  WE DON’T MAKE ANY MONEY FROM THIS PROJECT; ALL YOUR MEMBERSHIP FEE GOES TO BONNEVILLE ENVIRONMENTAL FOUNDATION TO PURCHASE YOUR CARBON OFFSETS.  In fact, though we’re very glad to do it, we lose money on each membership… that 10%-discount-on-Labor-Charges comes straight out of our pocket for the whole year of your membership!  So come on, hurt us but help the planet… join our CNP TODAY!

Sippers (hybrids, electrics, etc)-  Normally $30-  NOW $20

Drinkers (most types of cars)-  Normally $50- NOW $40

Guzzlers (SUVs, land yachts, etc)- Normally $90- NOW $60

We also have a couple ongoing offers you might find valuable…

Feature- CNPCarbon Neutral Program

Our company’s commitment to the environment led us to partner with Bonneville Environmental Foundation to create our Carbon Neutral Program in 2007. Client members offset the carbon production of their vehicles for one year AND save 10% on Labor Charges here at the shop! It’s a win for you AND our environment and it’s been very successful… since we instituted the program our members have prevented over 1.9 MILLION POUNDS of carbon from being dumped into our air!

RefRew Program ButtonReferral Reward Program

Year after year, referrals from our existing clients are our greatest source of new clients, so we’ve tried hard to think of some way to appropriately reward people for their referrals.  Our solution is  our Referral Reward Program, where we make donations to the non-profit group of your choice to say ‘thanks’ for your generous referrals.  Here’s how it works…

AskForReviewButtonYour reviews and referrals matter

We are constantly grateful for the supportive and loyal clients we have developed over the years.  Your comments and appreciation keep us on the right road to providing the superior automotive service you deserve.  Your reviews and referrals are not only the highest compliments we can receive, but they’re the lifeblood of our new business.  If you like what you’ve found at Tom Dwyer Automotive Services, please tell a friend or take a minute to write a review on YelpAngieslistGoogle, or the review site of your choice. Thank you!

RecallListButtonLatest Automotive Recalls  

Automobiles are just like any other product; occasional flaws in manufacture or design can cause problems once they leave the factory.  When an issue is identified the manufacturers and government work hard to bring the vehicles back in for refit or repair, but not all recalls make the front pages.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a constantly updated list of recalls from every manufacturer.  The last month’s recalls are below, but clicking the button at right will take you to the full list at the NHTSA website.


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