Shop Talk

New Button Shop TalkNow WE can do your DEQ testing!

DEQ2We’re excited to tell you that NOW you have a choice!  You can find a day when the DEQ test station is open, wait in line in blazing heat or freezing cold, and then get your DEQ certification IF your vehicle passes or is even ready for testing.  OR… you could schedule an appointment with US at your convenience, wait in comfort while we send your vehicle’s emission data to DEQ, and then you can finish your registration online.  Which to choose?

DEQ TOO is a new program from Oregon DEQ that makes DEQ testing convenient, quick, and secure.  We’ll gladly give you all the details… ask your Service Advisor about it the next time you’re in the shop!

Comment of the MonthComment-of-the-Month-Button

Client Amy B. had some nice things to say about our pricing and estimating…

“I really appreciate the discount on the work this last time.  I’m starting school in the fall and incurring a ton of debt.  I appreciate your honesty when quoting costs and I trust the work will get done right the first time.”

RestOfNewsletterThanks Amy!  We understand how hard it can be to properly care for your vehicle when money’s tight.  We try very hard to apply discounts or reduce bills wherever possible, but we can do very little to make vehicle ownership less expensive.  The only thing we can do is make it fair, and make you confident that you’re getting the best possible service at the best possible price in the long run.  We NEVER sell a product or service we don’t think you need, we do our best to make sure we live within our estimates (98.87% on-estimate at last check!), and are absolutely fanatic about doing things ‘right the first time’.  It may not make auto service cheap, but we hope it makes it bearable!

AskForReviewButtonYour reviews and referrals matter

We are constantly grateful for the supportive and loyal clients we have developed over the years.  Your comments and appreciation keep us on the right road to providing the superior automotive service you deserve.  Your reviews and referrals are not only the highest compliments we can receive, but they’re the lifeblood of our new business.  If you like what you’ve found at Tom Dwyer Automotive Services, please tell a friend or take a minute to write a review on YelpAngieslistGoogle, or the review site of your choice. Thank you!

RecallListButtonLatest Automotive Recalls  

Automobiles are just like any other product; occasional flaws in manufacture or design can cause problems once they leave the factory.  When an issue is identified the manufacturers and government work hard to bring the vehicles back in for refit or repair, but not all recalls make the front pages.  The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a constantly updated list of recalls from every manufacturer.  The last month’s recalls are below, but clicking the button at right will take you to the full list at the NHTSA website.

What building across streetWhat are they building across the street?

Sellwood Bridgehead, being built across the street from us at 8222 SE 6th, will be a 119 unit multi-family housing project with 49 underground parking spots.  Everyone seems to ask about it when they come by the shop, so we’ll bring you a couple shots each month as our newest Sellwood neighbor takes shape. This month, the building is really coming together.  Structural work is mostly finished, exterior brick work is happening, and they’re moving inside to start finishing out the apartments.  Just one pic to show you this time… the big event recently was the removal of the tower crane that’s been building the project, and you should see the crane they brought in to move THAT crane!  Well, just look…


The rear section of the tower crane is loaded onto a waiting truck

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