Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a
large article to explain them. From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of info you’ll love to munch. Bet you can’t eat just one!
4 Tea-Party myths about the Founders
There’s no shortage of people comparing themselves to the Founders, but the Tea Partiers are way out front of the pack. True, they’re both groups of flabby white men living in the 18th century who occasionally wear wigs, but the Tea Partiers see a philosophical resemblance as well. We hope you enjoy this quick list of four of the most pervasive myths along with a little truthiness to set them straight. Here’s a little game to play… before you click the link, try to think of at least one myth and the reality behind it. Bet you get at least one right!
Even green energy can bring agonizing decisions
Here are two stories that only make sense in combination. We recently heard a report that Kenya, desperate to supply power to its 42 million people, is investing in geothermal rather than building coal or nuke plants. This clean energy source could completely supply their energy needs within just a few years. But then there’s the other side of the coin. Some of the best geothermal sites are located at Hell’s Gate Park, and development could easily destroy the park. An agonizing decision… what price are we willing to pay for energy, even the greenest of energy?
Don’t hire me because I’m beautiful
It seems like beautiful people get all the breaks. For example, in the job world studies have shown that beautiful people are more likely to be promoted than “plainer” colleagues. But it turns out that beauty can kill when it comes to job hunting, and the effect is gender dependent. A recent study at Ariel University in Israel examined what happened when job hunters included pictures with their resumes. They created fictional resumes for real-life jobs, then sent resumes with and without pictures. You’ll just have to click the link to find out the results!
Love Thy Neighbor As Thy Self… oh, nevermind
With the Supremes considering marriage equality last week, this story seemed more appropriate than ever… No matter how you’ve tried to scrub it out of your mind you’re probably aware of the Westboro Baptist Church, the fine folks who protest military funerals with their famous “God Hates Fags” chant. Well, they just got a new neighbor. A group called “Planting Peace” bought the house across the street from the WBC, painted it with a rainbow flag, and named it the Equality House. We can’t wait for the report from the first neighborhood picnic!