Listen to the Millionaires!

Regardless of what the right-wing punditocracy would have you believe, the Progressive agenda is not driven by irrational jealousy of the rich, nor is the Republicon agenda driven by freedom.   Not all millionaires are like the Koch Brothers; in fact many (most?) are quite reasonable people who understand that the money to run our society has to come from somewhere, and they’ve had enough of psychopathic greed-heads speaking for them.  Here are several millionaires who’ve had enough, and are speaking out.  They are just a few of the nearly 200 people who earn over $1,000,000 a year who have signed a letter requesting their taxes be raised.  Their website at has information on their group, facts about tax rates for high earners, videos on why they joined, and an entertaining and informative exchange between their group and Senator Orrin Hatch.

We noticed one line from their video that sums up their reasoning-  “Rich people are not the cause of a robust economy, they’re the result of a robust economy!”

If you are one of the people who makes over a million dollars a year, please consider supporting this group.  And, whether or not you are in the over-a-million club, please share this with your friends!

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