Tax Cuts for The Rich

I’m Tom Dwyer,

And it sickens me to see the destructive political theatre being directed by the Republicorp leadership, again mislead so many Americans. A deception enabled by incomplete and biased information pushed by a self-interested corporate media, complicit in the decline of majority rule.

Serving only corporations and the rich; the Republicorp leadership places their greed before our country. Once again they’ve worked aggressively against founding principles and the middle class, holding up critical legislation to extort millionaire welfare.

“Welfare for the rich” tax breaks have a proven record – no job creation or domestic economic stimulus… just redistribution of wealth to the top and additional foreign debt to threaten our nation’s future.

It needs to become reality to all Americans that “we the people” now have very little voice in our government and when the majority no longer rules, the tyranny of greed replaces the general welfare.

A system slaved to the rich is unsustainable.

Please get active in defending our Nation!

At (five oh three, two three oh, twenty three hundred) or (tom dwyer dot com) Tom Dwyer Automotive Services… trusted to keep your vehicles safe, breakdown free, and operating at their best!

(c)2010 Tom Dwyer Automotive Services

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