Category Archives: News To Make You Furious

News To Make You Furious- April 2015

It’s Tax Time… For SUCKERS! Ahh, tax season!  It’s a time of some ambivalence, for as Arthur Godfrey said, “I’m proud to pay taxes in the United States; the only thing is, I could be just as proud for half … Continue reading

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News To Make You Furious- DoubleHeader of Disgust

Our Book Spotlight this month focused on “Merchants of Doubt”, the shameless shills who honed their lies years ago creating doubt about smoking and continue lying today about global warming.  Well, that seemed like a familiar story here to us … Continue reading

Posted in 2015 March, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- DoubleHeader of Disgust

News To Make You Furious- The Trans-Pacific Partnership

Remember Ross Perot’s line from the 1992 Presidential debates about the “giant sucking sound” of lost jobs caused by NAFTA?  The North American Free Trade Agreement was an all-encompassing trade deal negotiated in secret and fast-tracked around Congressional debate.  Since … Continue reading

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News To Make You Furious- 2014’s Wrapup of Wrath

The twenty-year anniversary of the Exxon Valdez disaster went largely unnoticed by everyone except Greg Palast.  His report, “Stick Your Damn Hand In It” also went largely unnoticed, but we read it and it was so enraging that we ran … Continue reading

Posted in 2015 January, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- 2014’s Wrapup of Wrath

Dangerous Scientific Incompetence

One of the most infuriating phrases you’ll hear is “I’m not a scientist, BUT…”  This usually precedes some appallingly ill-informed dismissal of a scientific opinion that only people who are scientists would be qualified to make.  In a rational world, … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 December, News To Make You Furious, Newsletters | Comments Off on Dangerous Scientific Incompetence

News To Make You Furious- Low Voting Rates

Let’s play a little game… what do these people have in common?  Lamar Smith.  Viola Liuzzo.  Crispus Attucks. No guesses?  Well, they’re just three of the people who died for our right to vote.  The recently passed Veterans Day reminded … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 November, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Low Voting Rates

News To Make You Furious- I’m Christopher Columbus. Here’s my baggage.

Another Columbus Day has come and gone, doing nothing more useful than giving FOX News another chance to babble about lib’s trashing a ‘merikan icon.  So why are we dragging the “holiday” into News To Make You Furious?  Because Columbus … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 October, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- I’m Christopher Columbus. Here’s my baggage.

News To Make You Furious- Civil Asset Forfeiture

Playing “Dukes of Hazzard” for real In the cartoon world of “Dukes of Hazzard”, Boss Hogg ran Hazzard County with a comically pudgy iron hand.  The County was his fiefdom, and Sherriff Roscoe P. Coltrane his goofy but strongarm enforcer.  … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 September, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Civil Asset Forfeiture

Furious- Tax evasion by any other name

We’ll start this month’s Furious with wise words from Abraham Lincoln.  “How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg? Four. Calling a tail a leg doesn’t make it a leg.”  Why this quote?  Because … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 August, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Furious- Tax evasion by any other name

News To Make You Furious- Hobby Lobby.  ‘Nuff Said.  

“News To Make You Furious” isn’t designed to raise your blood pressure just for the sake of it.  We try not to bring you a list of outrages for the sake of outrage; we try to find things you may … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 July, News To Make You Furious, Newsletters | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Hobby Lobby.  ‘Nuff Said.