Category Archives: Popcorn Shorts
Popcorn- Employee has the ultimate job… for a while
When a software company did an internal audit they found one of their employees was showing a little too much initiative. “Bob” was a star programmer earning a six-figure salary who had outsourced his own job to a Chinese software … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts- A big bowl of Popcorn from 2012
Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to the ridiculous, you never know what you’ll find but … Continue reading
Popcorn- Carl Wolfson is coming back
It hurt losing KPOJ. It hurt losing Thom and Ed. It hurt losing Randi, Norm, Mike, and all the rest of the voices in the Progressive choir. But what hurt most was losing our local beacon of rationality, Carl Wolfson. … Continue reading
Popcorn- Unicorn habitat in North Korea
North Koreans don’t have food, they don’t have an economy, they don’t have a functioning government, but they do have one thing no one else does… unicorns. North Korean archaeologists recently confirmed (actually re-confirmed, in case there was any doubt) … Continue reading
Popcorn- Know your place in the Universe
Fans of the “Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy” series will remember a powerful image… the ultimate punishment was to be locked in a room where you would be exposed to the whole grandeur of the universe, and then, in the … Continue reading
Popcorn- Who Doesn’t Pay Taxes
The debate over the Fiscal Cliff is looming, and Repubs are having aneurysms about returning to Clinton-era tax rates. As they babble on about a few percentage points in here and there, there’s a big pot of people who are … Continue reading
Popcorn- Warp drive isn’t just for Star Trek anymore
Einstein showed that it is impossible for anything to move faster than light. This ultimate speed limit has been proved over and over again and it now underlies every aspect of modern physics. We know it’s true… except that maybe … Continue reading
Popcorn- Understanding Bain Captial with Robert Reich
Mitt has pulled a lot of money from Bain Capital, which in turn has pulled a lot of money from just about everyone else. This is some of the most complex financial technology around, but the Republicans have boiled it … Continue reading
Popcorn- What microchip should your child use?
Big Brother is coming to a school near you, and he’s coming quick. Here’s a story from Texas about students in San Antonio who are being required to carry student ID’s that have embedded microchips to constantly track their location. … Continue reading
You MUST love thy neighbor
Ayn Rand’s popular these days, in part because her denial of any societal obligation is convenient to the right wing’s goals. Turns out that society may be less of a matter of opinion and more of a matter of biology. … Continue reading