Popcorn- Carl Wolfson is coming back

It hurt losing KPOJ.  It hurt losing Thom and Ed.  It hurt losing Randi, Norm, Mike, and all the rest of the voices in the Progressive choir.  But what hurt most was losing our local beacon of rationality, Carl Wolfson.  His morning show, produced by Paul Pimentel, was smart, entertaining, and engaging.  It consistently showed a level of excellence rare for any radio venue, local or national.  The pain is still there, but we may not have to limp along without Carl for much longer…  rumor has it that he’ll be starting a podcast in January.  If you can’t wait till then you might want to check out his new webpage or follow him on Facebook.  Stay tuned!

(Update 12/12/12- From Carl’s Facebook page)– To my friends: During the past month your thoughts and well wishes have sustained me and strengthened my resolve to reunite our progressive community on-air. With the loving support of Gary and the wisdom and hard work of my friend and manager, Phil Bunting, I have happily invested my time, money and spirit to that end. We plan to launch the new “Carl in the Morning” on Inauguration Day, January 21. With our Kickstarter campaign, we have just 34 days to raise our remaining start-up funds and make this a “go.” THANK YOU for clicking on this link to help. Even $10 would be much appreciated – and there are some fun rewards to go along with your donations! Please share this post so we can restore your liberal voice in Portland.   http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1871899625/elect-carl-in-the-morning-for-a-second-term?ref=live

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