Category Archives: Newsletter Columns
Kyle’s Kitchen- Cucumber and Peach Salad with Herbs
As the heat continues, Kyle brings us a salad recipe that will send it packing. He was especially excited about this one because he’s made it so recently… he and his wife tried it for the first time just last … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts for August, 2021
Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of … Continue reading
Asset Recycling
Asset Recycling Private companies taking over the assets WE paid for… what could possibly go wrong? Buried deep within the stalled infrastructure package is a vague list of possible ways to pay for it. Somewhere on that list is something … Continue reading
Longtime Client Passes Major Milestone
Longtime Client Passes a Major Milestone Which gives us a chance to explain our 15-years-old-and-newer policy It was late on a busy Friday afternoon when Client Paul G. asked us to look at his car… RIGHT THEN. Paul’s 2001 Subaru … Continue reading
Tom’s Tidbits- Pigs… In… SPAAAAAACE!
Greetings, For my 9-year-old best friend Greg and I, the Moon was the center of the Universe in 1969. We built the models and listened to the news, and our whole school was transfixed by a black-and-white TV in the … Continue reading
Book Spotlight- The Trump-Tell-All Final Parade of Shame
A wave of Trump horrifying Trump anecdotes hit the airwaves this month. It’s not that he did anything new, it’s that at least six new political tell-all books are about to hit the shelves. Trump himself has been a pathetic, … Continue reading
Shop Talk- Sellwood’s Dick Samuels passes
Comment of the Month This month’s Comment is a whole article by David Ashton at the Sellwood Bee, recognizing the passing of Richard Samuels. Dick was the owner of the Oregon Pacific Railroad, the short-line railroad that operates in … Continue reading
Health Notes- Sleeping your way to Health
The new science of sleep: Everything we know about how it affects your health and brain Dr. Matthew Walker on, Jul 2021 (from the article) “There is no major health system within your body or … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts for July 2021
Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of … Continue reading
Kyle’s Kitchen- Watermelon Lemonade
Watermelon Lemonade We’re coming up on peak summer in Oregon with a fire the size of Rhode Island, severe drought conditions for years, and still recovering from a thousand-year heat smack. All of us could use a cool and refreshing … Continue reading