Category Archives: Newsletter Columns
Book Spotlight- “American Theocracy” by Kevin Phillips
With our Feature article on Theocracy this month, there was really only one book that could take the Spotlight… “American Theocracy” by Kevin Phillips (from the publisher)- “From America’s premier political analyst, an explosive examination of the axis … Continue reading
Kyle’s Kitchen- KYLE’S ORIGINAL Sage pork chops with oven roasted pears
Kyle is one of our four Service Advisors but he’s not always up at the front desk. If you’re talking with Ken, Dean, or Perry, it may be because Kyle is down in his basement kitchen/laboratory experimenting with new frontiers … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts for September, 2021
Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to … Continue reading
Planning Ahead Protects Your Summer
Planning Ahead Protects Your Summer Don’t wait for the last minute to check out your vehicle! Updated 8/18/2021 If you’re still planning a road trip this summer then this article is for you! It may be impossible to avoid bad … Continue reading
Whose Buck Is It Anyway?
Greetings, As the Afghan government crumbled and bloody catastrophe swept the country, a somber Joe Biden stepped to the podium. “I am president of the United States of America,” he said, “and the buck stops with me.” That was a … Continue reading
Catastrophic new predictions are out… have they been right so far?
Catastrophic new predictions are out, but have they been right so far? The IPCC just released its 6th Assessment Report on Climate Change. They drop these reports every 6-7 years and it’s easy to become inured to their bleak predictions. … Continue reading
Painting the Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge
Painting the Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge An art group was enjoying the day so we stopped to say hi The Oaks Bottom Wildlife Refuge in the center of Sellwood is just one of the things that makes our neighborhood so … Continue reading
Shop Talk for August 2021
Comment of the Month We heard good and bad from client Alys A. in a Comment Card. She started out well; to the question ‘Why do you choose our service?’ she replied “Careful, honest, you explain without treating me like … Continue reading
Health Notes- How your body deals with heat… or doesn’t
How Your Body Deals With Heat… Or Doesn’t. When it’s hot, we sweat. That’s not news. But it may be news that it’s not the sweat itself that cools us; it’s not like diving into a cold pool. LOSING the … Continue reading
Book Spotlight- The Life Changing Science of Detecting BS
“The Life Changing Science of Detecting Bullshit” by John V. Petrocelli Expanding upon his viral TEDx Talk, psychology professor and social scientist John V. Petrocelli reveals the critical thinking habits you can develop to recognize and … Continue reading