Category Archives: Newsletter Columns
Our Best Advice on when to part with your car
We answered another question on this month, and thought many of our clients may be interested as well. Emirey J. asked “Is there any rule of thumb to decide whether to repair an old car or get a new … Continue reading
Shop Talk- We respond to a Bad Review
Comment of the Month Henry B. offered this month’s Comment via Google, where he gave us a 1-star review. Our response is below, but you can always find it and all our other bad reviews at … Continue reading
Brain stimulation offers hope for depression
Brain stimulation acts ‘like a switch’ to turn off severe depression for one patient Maggie Fox on CNN, Oct 2021 (from the CNN article)- After years of suffering, a patient with severe and untreatable depression has finally found relief with … Continue reading
Book Spotlight- “An Illustrated Book of Loaded Language”
“An Illustrated Book of Loaded Language” by Ali Almossawi and Alejandro Giraldo (from the publisher)- Tens of thousands of demonstrators packed the city’s streets on Friday. The actual count was 250,000. Why tens of thousands, then, and not a quarter … Continue reading
Kyle’s Kitchen- Mac-O-Lantern and Cheese Bowls
Halloween has always been a big event in our Kitchen, and we’ve always tried to bring you something special. For his first year in the Halloween Kitchen, Kyle is popping out of his tomb to pass the torch to a … Continue reading
Tom’s Tidbits, Sep 2021- Hold on… are YOU a radical?
Greetings, To dismiss criticism or opposition, politicians often casually throw around adjectives like “Radical” and “Extreme”. They may even be right… no matter the issue, there WILL BE some radical group waving the banner for it. But the unsaid, inescapable, … Continue reading
Theocracy. ‘Nuff said. Well, almost…
From rapturous adoration of one God to rabid disbelief in all of them, humans offer a magnificent spectrum of religious attitudes. For centuries religions held vast power in governments, too often to the detriment of the other-believers and non-believers they … Continue reading
Our Best Advice on Extended Vehicle Warranties
They’ve been trying to reach you about your warranty… Here’s what to say when they find you. Big Warranty has dispatched armies of agents to insure each of us knows the amazing possibilities of Extended Warranties. They’re everywhere, pouncing from … Continue reading
Shop Talk- Here’s who gets hurt by high repair prices
Comment of the Month This Comment of the Month comes from outside the shop, where Charles S. gave us a 1-star review on Google. (9/21/21- Google seems to have pulled this review, but you can find it and all our … Continue reading
Health Notes- Here’s what a REAL medical debate looks like
“Trust the science” say the rational people. “How can we trust the science when it keeps changing its answers?” say the anti-vaxxers. If we put aside the reality that science is supposed to change its answers as it learns more, … Continue reading