Category Archives: 2023 August

Get to know PragerU- Florida’s substitute teacher

Get to know PRAGER U… Florida’s substitute teacher A Florida story hit the Media recently that isn’t getting the attention we think it deserves.  If you worried about what Trump’s History Commission recommended then your head will explode when you … Continue reading

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Tom’s Tidbits- Like Capone, they’re going after the crimes that will put him in jail

Greetings, Al Capone operated an open criminal empire for years because he had politicians in his pocket and used violence on opponents.  He’d been arrested on minor charges but there was never enough evidence to prove his major crimes in … Continue reading

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What does my vehicle need in this heat?

What does my vehicle need in this heat? We may have some good news for you Let’s start with some good-ish news… we aren’t seeing record-breaking heat.  No, that came around in 2021 when Portland hit a staggering 116 degrees.  … Continue reading

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Cults- So much more than an empty insult

Cults-  So much more than an empty insult Cults are obviously real.  Here’s how to deal with them. Originally published May 2021, updated Aug 2023 What’s the difference between a religion and a cult?  The glib answer, “a cult is … Continue reading

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Shop Talk- What’s the deal with remanufactured parts?

          Comment of the Month We can’t give you exact wording for most of our Comment this month, because this Comment came in the form of a phone call. Neil H. was a client for many … Continue reading

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Health Notes- Heat Singes the Mind, Not Just the Body

Heat Singes the Mind, Not Just the Body Hot weather can destabilize mood, exacerbate mental health disorders and complicate drug treatment By Apoorva Mandavilli in the New York Times, Aug, 2023 If you find that the blistering, unrelenting heat is … Continue reading

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Kyle’s Kitchen- Summer Peach Spinach Salad with Avocado, Toasted Almonds and Goat Cheese

Summer Peach Spinach Salad with Avocado, Toasted Almonds and Goat Cheese Salad Ingredients:  4-6 cups organic spinach 2 large peaches, sliced 1 avocado, diced 1/2 small red onion, very thinly sliced 1/2 cup goat cheese crumbles 1/2 cup sliced toasted … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements”

“The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements” by Eric Hoffer “Its theme is political fanaticism, with which it deals severely and brilliantly.” –New Yorker A stevedore on the San Francisco docks in the 1940s, Eric Hoffer wrote … Continue reading

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Popcorn Shorts for August 2023

Popcorn Shorts Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them.  From the … Continue reading

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You have an appointment with the Department of Reality Studies!

“My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”  Do you believe that?  We don’t. Basic science, even basic consensual reality, seems under attack these days.  Science and education are increasingly something for the ‘elite’; something to be distrusted by … Continue reading

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