Category Archives: 2023 Apr

Popcorn Shorts for April, 2023

Popcorn Shorts                                               Cool stuff that’s too small for a big article Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them.  From the … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “Post-Truth” by Lee McIntyre

Post-Truth by Lee McIntyre How we arrived in a post-truth era, when “alternative facts” replace actual facts, and feelings have more weight than evidence. Publisher Comments Are we living in a post-truth world, where “alternative facts” replace actual facts and … Continue reading

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Health Notes-  Exercise can help your brain health at any age

        Whether or not you have ever lifted a weight, you can protect your brain health now Madeline Holcombe on CNN, Feb 2023 Even if you’ve never been physically active, you can start moving now and see … Continue reading

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Kyle’s Kitchen- Burrata, Pea, & Prosciutto Tortellini

Burrata, Pea, & Prosciutto Tortellini Despite the arguments from the weather, Spring is just around the corner.  You don’t want to spend your precious Spring days cooking, but you still want food worth drooling over… what to do?  Start with … Continue reading

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Shop Talk- Our 24/24 Warranty and our 10% Coupon

      Comment of the Month Client Linda S. had nice things to say on one of our Comment Cards this month… “Thorough diagnosis and thanks for honoring the Warranty so professionally!” Thanks Linda, and thanks for the opportunity … Continue reading

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Posted in 2023 Apr, Feature Articles, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on

Tom’s Tidbits- An unprecedented act of justice

Greetings, This week, an unprecedented thing happened when an ex-president was indicted.  I’ll admit to a little jubilation… OK, maybe more than a little, but I’m not proud of it.  Donald Trump hasn’t paid any price for debasing democracy and … Continue reading

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The Audacity of George

George Santos kicks off his 2024 Presidential Re-Election Campaign at Wallace Books in Sellwood* (by Charles Letherwood, special to Your Car Matters, Portland, OR) It may not seem wise to run for political office under a cloud of impending prosecution, … Continue reading

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You have an appointment with the Department of Reality Studies!

“My ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.”  Do you believe that?  We don’t. Basic science, even basic consensual reality, seems under attack these days.  Science and education are increasingly something for the ‘elite’; something to be distrusted by … Continue reading

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