Category Archives: Features
Humorousness- Christmas Ho Ho Ho’s
Does the coming Christmas holiday fill you with warm memories of family and friends? Or, does it fill you with a desperate longing for January? There’s only one way to find out… take the Grinch test. If you pass (ie: … Continue reading
What NOW?!! Toons November 2013
What does this have to do with Robert Reich? He wrote an article on Huffington Post with solid numbers and reasoning on why increasing revenue, not increasing cuts, is the only way to rebuild our shattered country… Why We Must … Continue reading
What NOW?!! Toons for October
The government shutdown dominated every possible news source, and it certainly dominated the pen of our own Keith Tucker. Here are three Toons he came up with to put the whole fiasco in perspective…
What NOW?!! Toon for September- See it FIRST in Your Car Matters!
Want to know more? American Labor in US History Textbooks, The Albert Shanker Institute
Big Brother Overseas- What happens when foreigners talk smack about the US?
It’s common for some groups to build their own bubbles of reality. It doesn’t matter what goes on in the real world as long as their warm little womb of lies is inviolate. The US has been wrapped in its … Continue reading
Humorousness- Signs, signs, everywhere there’s signs
This month we got one of those emails with a string of pictures and a request to forward it on to 10 friends or we’d die alone. The signs in the picture were actually pretty funny though, so we added … Continue reading
Humorousness- Jokes that make you go “Hmmm….”
The best jokes don’t just make you laugh, they make you think as well. This month’s slice of Humorousness is a selection of jokes with morals; exactly the kind of jokes that make you think. Admittedly, some of them don’t … Continue reading
Could You Pass A US Citizenship Test?- Match wits with a Dwyer employee
When (or if) new immigrants finish the labyrinth leading to citizenship, there’s one last obstacle facing them that natural born citizens never have to think about: the Naturalization Test. You may think you had a lot on the line in … Continue reading
Maintain Your Advantage- Keeping your vehicle saves thousands over buying new
The Green Living Journal “offers solutions to the serious energy, health, and environmental problems facing all of us.” (If you don’t already read it, you’re cheating yourself. The Journal is FREE, and available at 550 locations around Portland.) Each quarterly … Continue reading