Referral Reward is Coming Soon!
We’re making the last donation calls and finalizing the ballots for our flagship outreach program… Referral Reward! Here’s the long story, but the short story is we use donations to non-profit groups to say ‘thanks’ when our clients refer new clients to our shop. All the groups we give to through the year are entered into the running for a $1000 year end prize, and the winner will be determined by YOU.
If you want to vote for the winner, just keep your eye on your inbox. If you’re reading this now then you’re (almost certainly) on our email list so you WILL get a ballot. If you aren’t, or want to sign someone else up, send their email address to Charles@TomDwyer.com and we’ll put you on our mailing list. We’ll be sending ballots by email in the next two weeks or you can pick up an actual hardcopy ballot here at the shop. Voting will continue through December, and we’ll announce the winner in January.
Comment of the Month
Susan B. gave us a compliment that deserves a little deeper dive…
“I appreciate you telling me what needs to be done when so I can budget accordingly.”
When we finish with your Comprehensive Inspection (check this months’ Inspection article here), depending on your vehicle, you’ll likely have a long list of ‘issues’ that need attention. But our Services Advisors don’t just drop that on you in a pile, they’ll help prioritize our Service Recommendations into what’s critical now, what you should be doing if you can, and what can wait a while depending on your budget. Few of our clients are ready to pay for everything their vehicle needs in one big lump; they almost all want to be able to space things out in a way that makes sense for their safety, vehicle health, and personal budgets. That’s why you come to us, and that’s our job… make sure we do it!
We have a couple ongoing offers you might find valuable…
Carbon Neutral Program–
Our company’s commitment to the environment led us to partner with Bonneville Environmental Foundation to create our Carbon Neutral Program in 2007. Client members offset the carbon production of their vehicles for one year AND save 10% on Labor Charges here at the shop! It’s a win for you AND our environment and it’s been very successful… since we instituted the program our members have prevented over 1.9 MILLION POUNDS of carbon from being dumped into our air!
Referral Reward Program–
Year after year, referrals from our existing clients are our greatest source of new clients, so we’ve tried hard to think of some way to appropriately reward people for their referrals. Our solution is our Referral Reward Program, where we make donations to the non-profit group of your choice to say ‘thanks’ for your generous referrals. Here’s how it works…
Your reviews and referrals matter
We are constantly grateful for the supportive and loyal clients we have developed over the years. Your comments and appreciation keep us on the right road to providing the superior automotive service you deserve. Your reviews and referrals are not only the highest compliments we can receive, but they’re the lifeblood of our new business. If you like what you’ve found at Tom Dwyer Automotive Services, please tell a friend or take a minute to write a review on Yelp, Angieslist, Google, or the review site of your choice. Thank you!
Latest Automotive Recalls
Automobiles are just like any other product; occasional flaws in manufacture or design can cause problems once they leave the factory. When an issue is identified the manufacturers and government work hard to bring the vehicles back in for refit or repair, but not all recalls make the front pages. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration maintains a constantly updated list of recalls from every manufacturer. The last month’s recalls are below, but clicking the button at right will take you to the full list at the NHTSA website.