Health Notes- Matcha tea… have you heard?

 Matcha tea… have you heard?

We were listening to one of our radio faves, Thom Hartmann, when he began talking about Matcha Tea.  It’s a green tea originating in China but mostly produced in Japan today.  You’ll find matcha in health stores and coffee shops, and added to lattes, Like many foods, matcha is thought to have significant health benefits but until recently those claims were mostly anecdotal.  The news from Hartmann was a breakthrough, a recent double-blind study that gave credence to some of the claims.   “The clinical year-long study was set up as a double blind placebo-controlled randomized comparative study. There were a total of 99 study subjects between 60-85 years of age selected from 939 participants all of which were diagnosed with either mild cognitive impairment (MCI) – which is a pre-stage of dementia – or subjective cognitive decline (SDC), which is the preclinical stage of Alzheimer’s disease.”  Matcha showed benefits to cognitive function (greater short and longterm function, greater memory, lower stress and anxiety), cardiometabolic health (slower weight gain, lower food intake, lower inflammatory cytokines) and tumor reduction (lower viability, proliferation), and had benefits in other areas.  But enough from us, here’s the in-depth info…

The therapeutic potential of matcha tea: A critical review on human and animal studies, National Library of Medicine

7 Proven Ways Matcha Tea Improves Your Health, Healthline

12-Month Study on Matcha’s Long-Term Health Promoting Properties Confirms Improved Social Cognition & Sleep Quality,

Matcha tea: what the current evidence says about its health benefits, The Conversation

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