Tom’s Tidbits for Feb 2021- Betrayed by Domestic Enemies

2018 Tom Tidbit Button smallBetrayed by Domestic Enemies


I can’t get it out of my head.  They swore an oath.

In America, the one, the only thing that legitimizes a politician’s vast power is an oath to the Constitution… to We, The People of the United States.  “I will preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  Simple.  Clear.  Unequivocal.

“Preserve.”  “Protect.”  “Defend.”  These aren’t passive words, they demand action.  They aren’t options… they’re specific, required responses when the Constitution… when our Country… is threatened.

“The Constitution of the United States”.  Not some tattered piece of paper but our method of government, the division of powers, the expression of the will of the People.  Our Country.  The Country actual patriots died for.

“Against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  All enemies.  Not only bogeymen from across the seas, but from real enemies here at home who defile the idea of a free, thinking, and peaceful people.  Not every opponent is an enemy at home or abroad, but a “Domestic Enemy” is not just a convenient ‘them’ to someone else’s ‘us’.  IF our common goals are a more perfect union, justice, tranquility, common defense, general welfare, and liberty for ourselves and our families, THEN we can work together to achieve them.  That is the explicit, stated, written-into-the-Constitution purpose of America!   We can vigorously argue within the bounds of reality and the Constitution, but anyone attempting to replace our system with delusions and intimidation is an enemy of a free people.  At home or abroad.

Republicans and Democrats all swore that same oath.  Every single one.  I just can’t get it out of my head.

There’s no clearer caricature of a threat to the Constitution than a politician building a private army to attack the government and force the United States to overturn a legitimate election.  Anyone, no matter what political faction they ooze from.  Yet faced with exactly that, we saw dereliction, cowardice, obstruction, and hypocrisy.  197 Congressmen and 43 Senators, Domestic Enemies all, abdicated their oaths in support of a criminal betrayal and attack on our country, solely because the criminal most responsible was from their political party.  In the acquittal of Donald Trump, we watched politicians flamboyantly violate every concept, every principle, every single word of their oaths.

Every.  Individual.  Word.  Go back and read it again.

The ‘We’ who are wounded by this desecration aren’t just Democrats, ‘We’ are Americans of every stripe, Left, Right, and Middle, even those who don’t realize they’ve been wounded yet.  ‘We’, ALL OF US, are The People who entrusted great power bound only by the character of the people who swore… swore… to preserve, protect, and defend us.   ‘We’ have ALL been betrayed by the Domestic Enemies who betrayed their oaths, but wounded and rightly outraged as we are, we still have to move on.  There are other enemies, foreign and domestic, human and inhuman, known and unknown, that need to be defeated.

In the last month we watched a President, Senators, and Congressmen defile the oaths they solemnly swore.  I can’t get that out of my head, but I shouldn’t.  Nor should any of us.   We The People didn’t swear an oath to protect the Constitution, but we have a duty to ourselves and our posterity to protect it anyway.  Some of our Domestic Enemies have announced themselves loudly, and we can’t forget their names as we fight other threats.

But maybe we should start by building a Justice System that holds oathbreakers and seditionists accountable for their crimes, because a system that doesn’t is the greatest Domestic Enemy of all.

Make a great day,




Digging Deeper…

How each member of the House voted on Trump’s second impeachment, Hickey, Boschma, and O’Key on CNN Politics, Jan 2021

Roll Call list of Senators’ votes to Impeach, United States Senate, Feb 2021

Biden’s Top Four Priorities, Explained by Leading BU Experts-  The president-elect lists COVID-19, racism, climate change, and the economy as his most pressing issues, Boston University Today, Jan 2021

Second impeachment of Donald Trump, Wikipedia

The Constitution of the United States: A Transcription, National Archives

Trump Frets Foes Will Be ‘Suing Me for the Rest of My Life’, Adam Rawnsley in the Daily Beast, Feb 2021

Watch: McConnell’s full remarks following Senate vote to acquit Trump, NBC News, Feb 2021

Diverse Coalition Calls on Congress to End ‘Forever Wars’ and ‘Unaccountable, Interventionist’ US Foreign Policy, Jessica Corbett on Common Dreams, Feb 2021

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