News To Make You Furious- There WAS a plan.  They just ignored it.

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There WAS a plan. They just ignored it.

The Coronavirus plague is not Donald Trump’s fault.  It’s an odd sort of pleasure to say that, because it burns a couple Righty Strawmen all at once.  Point to any of the appalling gaffes of Trumpworld and  you’ll hear “You Libs just want to blame him for everything!” or “that would have happened to anyone” or our favorite, “Trump Derangement Syndrome!”  All these are offered as an deflection of the accusation instead of dealing with the substance of it. RestOfNewsletter

We’ll say it again… Coronavirus is not Trump’s fault.  Thousands would have died in even the best case.  It would have destroyed the administration of a Bush, an Obama, even a Sanders just as surely as it is Trump’s.   No one could have dealt with it perfectly, but only the strawman Libs of the Right would have expected perfection.  No, the Coronavirus isn’t Trump’s fault, but his RESPONSE to it is.  There’s (at least!) one thing that shows that, far from debatable perfection, the adminstration’s response falls between incompetent at best and intentionally evil at worst…

There is a coordinated US Government plan to fight pandemics.

The Trump Administration ignored it.

It’s really just that simple.  If this discount carny barker had just followed the directions, we’d be living in a different world today.  Having no previous governmental or military experience isn’t disqualifying for a President, nor should it be.  But if an inexperienced President takes control of the most complex machine ever created, the US government, it makes sense to READ THE F*****G MANUAL!  Decades, even centuries of work went into the societal structure and governmental tools to deal with emergencies.  But that plan was tossed and replaced with… NOTHING!

Here in the NorthWest we live with the constant threat of a massive Cascadia Subduction earthquake.  It’s coming, we know it, and people and agencies have been preparing for years. There are now plans in place to respond, and they’re constantly updated.  When it hits, the people in charge will know what to do.

Unless they decide to pitch the plans and deny it happened.

Digging Deeper…

National Strategy for Pandemic Influenza, Homeland Security Council, Nov 2005

Bush devised a plan for pandemics like the coronavirus. Trump is ignoring it.  Barbara McQuade in USA Today, Apr 2020

Before Virus Outbreak, a Cascade of Warnings Went Unheeded, Sanger, Lipton, Sullivan, and Crowley in NYTimes, Mar 2020

2 months in the dark: the increasingly damning timeline of Trump’s coronavirus response, Aaron Blake in the Washington Post, Apr 2020

How Trump let the U.S. fall behind the curve on coronavirus threat, by David Cloud, Paul Pringle, and Eli Stokols in Los Angeles Times, Apr 2020

He Could Have Seen What Was Coming: Behind Trump’s Failure on the Virus, Lipton et all in The New York Times, Apr 2020

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