Popcorn Shorts for October 2019

RestOfNewsletterNew Button PopcornJust like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them.  From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of info you’ll love to munch.  By the way, much (but not necessarily all) of our delicious Popcorn comes from articles we’ve posted on our Facebook page.  If you’re on Facebook, please stop by and “Like” us and we’ll keep a fairly-constant-but-not-frequent-enough-to-be-annoying stream of these coming to your virtual door!

Popcorn- clickbaitEND CLICKBAIT FOREVER!

Portlanders are rattled! You know how it is… you know better than to hit clickbait, but you have to know… what DOES Celine Dion look like with her new hair? IS that snake real?  DOES guacamole cure cancer?  We can’t answer those questions, but we can give you the power to end clickbait forever… knowledge.  Knowledge is power and STOPCLICKBAIT has it. It’s pretty simple… they check the clickbait site themselves and give you the payoff to all the little clickbait stories without wasting your time. Their website strangely doesn’t have the bait answers, but their Facebook page does. Check out their exposes on entertainment, gaming, lifestyle, science, sports, and news, and save hours on the Intertubes.

Popcorn- quakeprepFour days to get ready for the BIG ONE

The recent shaking in California, as always, makes us nervous up here in Portland where we’re waiting for the Big One.  In that nervous spirit we’d like to suggest this crash course in preparation.  A reporter from KQED spent an hour a day for four days to prep for the next Big One in California.  While it may not ready you for the zombie apocalypse, it might help you be much better off than you are right now.

Popcorn- wealth ineq.9% of population own 44% of world’s wealth

The millionaires of the world make up just 0.9 percent of the global population yet they now control 43.9% of the planet’s $361 trillion in total wealth.   On the other end of the scale, the bottom 56 percent of the population fight over just 1.8 percent of the pie.  This annual Global Wealth Report from Credit-Suisse lays out all the numbers, and you can go back to Wealth Reports from previous years for comparison.  Possibly shocking, but this spread of wealth inequality is just a data point.  For what it means in the real world, check out The Equality Trust.

Popcorn- hopefireNew hope after the Columbia River Gorge fire

In 2017, fireworks on the Eagle Creek hiking trail started a fire that eventually burned more than 30,000 acres of the Columbia River Gorge and forced almost 700 people out of their homes.  The Gorge is one of Oregon’s treasures, and even in a state used to wildfires this particular blaze hit hard.  The Eagle Creek fire felt like an irrecoverable loss, but it wasn’t.  Kevin Gorman, director of Friends of the Columbia Gorge had an unexpected comment:  “This was a good fire.”  Wilammette Week takes you on a tour to see why

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