Book Spotlight- Philosophy from a client

RestOfNewsletterNew Button book spotlightOur Spotlight typically focus on just one book each month, but this time a client and Facebook Friend inspired us to go a little further.  Glen G. was feeling like he’d delayed studying philosophy but didn’t know where to dig in.  This list of “10 Easy Philosophy Books you have to read” from got him started.  What do you think?  (Click here for a brief description of all the books.)

  1. Apology of Socrates by Plato

  2. Nicomachean Ethics by Aristotle

  3. The Discourse On Method by Descartes

  4. Candide or Optimism by Voltaire

  5. Beyond Good And Evil by Nietzsche

  6. Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky

  7. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Kundera

  8. Existentialism and Humanism by Sartre

  9. The Fall by Camus

  10. The Philosophy Of The Simpsons by Irwin


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