Everybody loves memes. Here are ours.

Feature MemesRestOfNewsletterEvolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins gave us the word ‘meme’, but he didn’t have kittens, determined toddlers, or frogs (Kermit OR Pepe) in mind.  He was describing the transmission of discrete cultural ideas in a society, and his ideas formed the basis of the field of memetics.  ‘Meme’ still is short for a discrete idea transmitted through the culture but today it’s an endless parade of creepy characters and adorable animals, superheros and awkward politicians, dancing babies and dramatic chipmunks, all with their own pithy comments.  The staff here at “Your Car Matters” would like you to take a look at some of their own recent efforts to create the perfect meme and show you a few we’ve liked recently from other sources…

The DWYER meme vault

MacTrumpAnd here you go… our first efforts at meme-ing.  If he hasn’t been anything else, we can at least say that Donald Trump has been inspirational on this front!  With the exception of the timeless “Vote” meme, he’s central to every one.  Well, times will change and we hope to meme much more on this POTUS, the next, or whatever else crosses our mind.  Please remember, whether by Dawkins’ definition or the more modern one, a ‘meme’ is an idea transmitted through society.  If you like our memes please SHARE THEM WITH YOUR FRIENDS so (hopefully) good ideas can spread and prosper.  MEME ON!

But apparently there are other people on the Intertubes, so here are some of the ones we’ve picked up from them…

We unabashedly enjoy politics, and there’s never a shortage of political memes…

…or the ones that are just plain fun.

Memes are a great way to pack hi-density information into one digestible bite.  Of course, there are never any guarantees to whether the info is exactly accurate… buyer always beware!

“Tweets” aren’t exactly memes, but they are so clear and concise they meme up very well.

In closing, if anyone deserves their own meme gallery it’s our favorite, The Master, George Carlin…

And here’s a SPECIAL HIDDEN FEATURE for folks who’ve read all the way to the end of this article…

We’ll Tell You What All Those Famous Meme Icons Are Doing Now So You Can Feel Old Just Like Us, Rohit Bhattacharya on ScoopWhoop, Aug 2018



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