There are lots of things one could say about FOX News, but most of them aren’t very good.
Since this is Humorousness, though, we’ll try to introduce the following feature without saying anything overtly bad about FOX at all. (And thanks to FOX for this technique!) Here goes…
“Rupert Murdoch’s FOX News has completely changed the way news is covered in America. Not content to follow staid, old-fashioned journalistic standards, FOX has shattered the conventional barriers between “true” and “false”, “reporting” and “propaganda”, “opinion” and “fact” to create something previously unknown outside repressive and totalitarian regimes. Thanks to FOX, Americans who have had objective, non-partisan reporting shoved down their throats for years now have a choice. But it wasn’t always this way, and the wise elders who huddle around the flickering glow of Bill O’Reilly know it. Join us as we look back into a world without FOX, and imagine what today’s world would have been like if we only had FOX to tell us the right way to think… way back when.”
There, that wasn’t so hard, was it? Here’s the link for all the original images.