Guy Fawkes’ Summer Vacation

Keeping up on the Occupy Movement

Hard to believe that it wasn’t even a year ago… September will mark the one-year anniversary of the occupation of Zuccotti Park and the beginning of the Occupy movement.  Since the parks were cleared at the end of 2011, Occupy has lost its public face (for better or for worse) but they’ve still remained active.  One of our clients, Jack D. (we won’t use his last name here to protect his privacy, but there’s links below if you want to contact him) is active in the Occupy movement and sent us the email below to keep us up to date.  If you’d like to check in with the 99%, then here’s Jack…

Dear Tom,

As I’m sitting here trying to avoid the sweltering heat, I hope you all are having a wonderful summer.  Sorry I haven’t kept in touch. 

Almost every time I run into someone who I haven’t seen in a while (happened again this past week) I get some form of the question, “What’s happening with Occupy Portland?”  The answer is LOTS!  However, if you are only watching and reading Portland’s mainstream news, you have probably not gotten much information–imagine that!  

Following are some links for you to have a better idea of what’s happening:

Read The Occupier, Occupy Portland’s online newspaper here, or watch Occupy Portland’s Livestream (which stream’s many of OPDX’s actions and events) here.  Compare/contrast this to what you see on TV and read in the newspapers…  The Oregonian’s online link to their pics and articles associated with OPDX is here.  Willamette Week  and the Portland Tribune continue to be… erratic; so far the Portland Mercury is doing the best job.

As for me, I continue to be active as a member of and “point-of-contact” for Occupy Portland Elder Caucus and I am on the Friends of Occupy Portland Board (a non-profit 501c(4) for donations, etc. There will soon be a “donate” button for this, more info to follow.)   It has been gratifying to be involved with and an honor to serve with such passionate and dedicated people.

There are many places you can “plug in” and become involved.  My suggestion is to go to Occupy Portland’s website, check out caucuses/committees/tribes that seem interesting, and join in where appropriate (the site is in the process of updating as we have had recent “spam attacks”).   For a personal experience I suggest going to either GA or Spokes Council meetings (times and places are listed here)

In Solidarity — Peace, Love and Hang Loose,


Thanks for the update, Jack!  And there are two things we’d like to add to Jack’s pointers… first, please check our Occupied Dwyer Page for links even he may have missed.  And second, if the Occupy Movement moves you, then please, please, please GET INVOLVED!

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