Yearly Archives: 2012
You MUST love thy neighbor
Ayn Rand’s popular these days, in part because her denial of any societal obligation is convenient to the right wing’s goals. Turns out that society may be less of a matter of opinion and more of a matter of biology. … Continue reading
Furious- Where are the Wall Street prosecutions?
A Rare Look at Why the Government Won’t Fight Wall Street by Matt Taibbi in Rolling Stone, September 18 The great mystery story in American politics these days is why, over the course of two presidential administrations (one from each … Continue reading
“YES” on Measure 80
I’m Tom Dwyer, Jobs don’t come from tax cuts or the benevolence of wealthy job creators. Jobs come from consumer demand, new thinking, and expanded opportunity. This November, we can vote on a measure that should be called the Oregon … Continue reading
Royalty Rates
I’m Tom Dwyer, Willard released his tax return for last year and a summary of his earlier taxes. He paid fourteen percent in twenty eleven, and averaged about twenty percent the previous years if you chose to believe his numbers. … Continue reading
Vote For God
I’m Tom Dwyer, The Republi con vention had little to offer undecided voters. Without an elder statesman to parade, the Cons shoved God onstage instead. They said he founded our country and ordained our rights, and that belief in God … Continue reading
Jefferson Smith for Portland
I’m Tom Dwyer, On Election Day the Presidency is only one important choice we face. The further down- ballot you go, the more each office can affect your daily life. For … Continue reading