PEOPLE You Can Trust

I’m Tom Dwyer,

With hundreds of places to go in Portland for auto service,  why go out of your way to visit us?

I think our existing clients explain it best.  If you have ever considered our service please go to our website;  see our reviews and watch any of the detailed client video testimonials from people just like you.

Since 1981 my mission has been the same- To provide a progressive, community oriented, ecologically responsible Automotive Service facility dedicated to serving the needs of its clients and its staff.  We’re committed to maintaining our client’s vehicle investment, ensuring safe and reliable transportation, and providing impeccable service beyond the rest of the industry.

Dealing with the same company is different than dealing with the same people.  A commitment to client and staff allows relationship building. You’re not just a customer to us, you’re a client.  Go to our website and our clients will tell you how much our relationship matters to them.

By phone at (five oh three, two three oh, twenty three hundred) or online at (tom dwyer dot com) we’re Tom Dwyer Automotive Services… trusted to keep your vehicles, safe, breakdown-free and operating at their best!

(c)2011 Tom Dwyer Automotive Services

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