Moving Planet- Portland… a climate action fest!

350ppm (parts per million) is the level determined by scientists to be the maximum safe level of carbon in the earth’s atmosphere for maintaining life. We are currently at 390ppm and rising- not safe! The international organization was created to highlight this critical number in climate science.

After successful climate awareness events around the world in 2009 and 2010, planned an expanded event for this year—Moving Planet Day.  It is designed to emphasize the urgency of moving away from a carbon-based, fossil-fuel-based society and moving toward a more energy-efficient and sustainable future.

Moving Planet- Portland: Climate Action Now will be held outside at the Memorial Coliseum Commons on Saturday, September 24th, from noon to 3:00pm.

In line with the goals of and the worldwide Moving Planet event, the aim of the Portland event is to inspire attendees to call upon political leaders, their communities, and themselves to move toward a sustainable way of life. Together, we will take real action on issues of the environment, climate justice, transit equity, and cleaner transportation.

The event begins far outside the boundaries of the Memorial Colliseum Commons, as bikers, hikers, and mass transit riders will congregate at points across the city to travel to the event en masse, avoiding any carbon-fueled transportation where possible.  At the event, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about climate change, alternative energy, and citizen involvement groups they can join through speakers, exhibits, and information stations. People will be motivated to take action on-site by writing cards to elected officials and making pledges to increase use of greener mobility modes such as carpooling, public transit, walking, and biking.

The choices made by our society in the next few years will impact our people and planet for decades and even centuries to come.  Each individual’s participation matters, and matters NOW.  Moving Planet- Portland is designed to make this message clear, and to encourage each person to make all the difference they can.

UPDATE:  Now there’s a way to share this information with all your Facebook friends.  The folks at Moving Planet- Portland made a Facebook page for the event at, which is constantly being updated with 350 news and videos.  Check it out and pass it on!


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