BrightNeighbor Worm-a-rama

Hi, I’m Tom Dwyer.

While Obama’s military advisors plan extensions for war and his economic advisors scheme to reinflate ways to extract wealth from our communities, on January 28th, I would like to invite you to a community rally showcasing practical alternatives to strengthen our Portland communities and build a relational economy of solidarity.

We aren’t waiting for the city government and 21-year plans anymore. On January 28th, Portlanders are gathering together to make action happen faster.

Our focus is to accomplish 3 objectives: Food security, community building, and carbon sequestration

Along with starting a food, soil, worm, etc. collective on the spot, Portland leaders will be reporting on the alternative economy that has emerged, showcasing sustainability and business examples in the community. We are prod to sponsor community action in the face of greedy Wall Street bankers and failures from our Federal government. Come to the community rally January 28th from 7 to 9 pm at First Unitarian Church, or got o Fix Our Community dot org for details.

Thank you, from Tom Dwyer Automotive – keepingyour vehicles safe, breakdown free, and operating at their best in Portland since 1981.

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