Category Archives: Newsletters

Popcorn Shorts

Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them.  From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of … Continue reading

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Shop Talk- Do you have senior or veteran discounts?

Comment of the Month George V. had a the most recent, and most straight-to-the-point version of a question we’re often asked… What about senior or veteran discounts? Sorry, but we don’t have senior or veteran discounts.  We offer few discounts … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “The Discovery of Global Warming” by Spencer Weart

“The Discovery of Global Warming” by Spencer Weart (from the publisher)  “In 2001 a panel representing virtually all the world’s governments and climate scientists announced that they had reached a consensus: the world was warming at a rate without precedent … Continue reading

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Health Notes- What drinking diet soda does to your body and brain

What drinking diet soda does to your body and brain (video) (Business Insider, Jan 2021) (transcript)  “…Scientists think that repeatedly tricking our body this way could explain why study after study keeps finding the same thing: that drinking diet soda … Continue reading

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Kyle’s Kitchen- Watermelon salad, and how to pick a good melon

Summer’s almost here, and you want to be ready!  This light and refreshing Watermelon Salad will brighten any barbeque, picnic, or warm night on your deck.  There’s an added bonus… if you use locally-produced Hermiston watermelons, which require very little … Continue reading

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YOU can fight Climate Change AND save 10% on Labor charges!

And it’s not greenwashing… we don’t make a dime. Posted on July 11, 2013, updated May 23, 2024 We do our best to make sure your vehicle has the least possible impact on the environment, but even in top shape, internal … Continue reading

Posted in 2024 May, Feature Articles, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on YOU can fight Climate Change AND save 10% on Labor charges!

Report back from the 2024 Blues Carnaval

Supporting Single Payer Healthcare in Oregon What do you say about an evening with some of the best blazing blues in Portland?  It rocked.  Of course it rocked!  It rocks every year, and we should know… we’ve been going since … Continue reading

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Report back from the WINGS Conference

Oregon’s action toward a healthier Climate future Perhaps you watched Oregonian Joe Smith take the TEDx stage in 2012 to explain how to properly use a paper towel.  If so, you’re in good company… more than 3.7 million have joined … Continue reading

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When did auto ownership get so expensive?

A great report from “Today Explained” “When did auto ownership get so expensive?”  The short answer is the day your parents quit paying for your car.  The longer answer, of course, is more complicated.  There are many reasons why it’s … Continue reading

Posted in 2024 April, Feature Articles, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on When did auto ownership get so expensive?

Health Notes-  Help for those who can’t sleep… and those who can.

For those who can… It’s okay to hit the snooze button. A new study shows it isn’t bad for you and may even help you feel more alert. (Business Insider, Oct 2023) Snoozing gets a bad rep. But a new … Continue reading

Posted in 2024 April, Health Notes, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Health Notes-  Help for those who can’t sleep… and those who can.