Category Archives: Newsletters
What is a FULL-SERVICE auto repair shop?
How are they different from Specialty Shops, and why should you care? If you look around today’s auto care world you’ll see a lot of ‘specialty shops’, or auto service businesses that specialize in one small arena of auto repair … Continue reading
Book Spotlight- “Ringmaster” by A. J. Riesman
BIG NEWS IN THE SPOTLIGHT! We always link our Book Spotlight to so you can order the book if you’re interested, but guess what? The iconic Powells is great, but our favorite is Sellwood’s Wallace Books, and now there’s … Continue reading
Oaks Park Looks At The Next 120 Years
They stopped by the SMILE station to clue us in Sellwood’s a pretty quiet little neighborhood, but nestled down on the Willamette River is something you just don’t see very often… an amusement park in a residential neighborhood. Oaks Park … Continue reading
Popcorn Shorts for February 2025
Just like it says, Popcorn Shorts is about the kind of things we think are really interesting, but don’t really need a large article to explain them. From the sublime to the ridiculous, check in here for crunchy bits of … Continue reading
Kyle’s Kitchen- Bavarian Apple-Sausage Hash
Flavorful, hearty, and easy… this is what you didn’t know you needed for dinner. Enjoy! Ingredients 2 tablespoons canola oil 1/2 cup chopped onion 4 fully cooked apple chicken sausages (or flavor of your choice) sliced 1-1/2 cups thinly sliced … Continue reading
Shop Talk- Should you tip your mechanic?
This month we take another dive into the deep waters of… Quora’s question- Should people tip auto mechanics for their hard work in fixing vehicles, even though they are already paid for their services? Our answer- Sure, if you … Continue reading
Shop Talk- You’re worth driving 500 miles for
Heather C. gave us our Comment this month, even though she isn’t a client anymore… “I moved to Shoshone, Idaho, but honestly miss your shop. No shop compares. Whenever I can and am back in Portland, I try to schedule … Continue reading
WE HAVE A WINNER! And our 2024 Referral Reward $1000 award goes to…
When someone refers a new client to our shop we say ‘thanks’ with our Referral Reward Program, where we call them up and ask which non-profit they’d like to support and then we send that group a check. All the … Continue reading
The horrifying consequences of NO OIL CHANGES… with pictures!
Ever wondered what would happen if you just stopped changing your oil? Everyone knows the “every 3000 miles” stuff is just propaganda so your local repair shop can keep you coming back more often, so why be one of the … Continue reading