Category Archives: News To Make You Furious

News To Make You Furious- Frontline: United States of Secrets

Slightly over a year ago the world was introduced to Edward Snowden, an obscure contractor (aren’t they all?) who had a few things to say about the way things were running over at the NSA.  Since then, Snowden has been … Continue reading

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News To Make You Furious- The BP Armageddon turns four

“News To Make You Furious” started in 2010 with the 20th anniversary of Exxon’s desecration of Prince William Sound and their flamboyantly negligent treatment of the Valdez spill and cleanup.  But even as we were facepalming over that barbarity, something … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 May, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- The BP Armageddon turns four

Shaun McCutcheon’s brave battle against the FEC

“The first third of your campaign is money, money, money.  The second third is money, money, and press.  And the last third is votes, press, and money.” -Rahm Emanuel Everyone knew it was coming.  In the sewage-strewn wake of Citizens United … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 April, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on Shaun McCutcheon’s brave battle against the FEC

News To Make You Furious- Media Consolidation

Media Consolidation- One-stop-shopping for ideas The opening of XRAY-FM is a small victory for the free flow of information, but why?  Why should a small, community radio station matter at all?  It’s because the overwhelming trend in media since 1996 … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 March, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Media Consolidation

News To Make You Furious- West Virginia Water Disaster

In November 2010, “News To Make You Furious” started as a focus on the 20th anniversary of the Exxon Valdez disaster.  It is appropriate, therefore, that we augment your anger this month with another story about a spill, this time … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 February, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- West Virginia Water Disaster

News To Make You Furious- 2013’s rage on just one page!

We live in a beautiful world.  Seriously, look around and most of us live safe and happy lives in a society of wonders.   And yet… there still are those things that aren’t quite right.  Some are small and some are … Continue reading

Posted in 2014 January, News To Make You Furious, Newsletters | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- 2013’s rage on just one page!

News To Make You Furious- Prisons for profit update!

In March, we tried to fulminate your fury with a report on “Prisons for Profit”.  We started the article with this observation… “Profit is not the only good in our world!  Other things are important as well, and some may be even … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 December, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Prisons for profit update!

News To Make You Furious- Good cop, bad cop

There are few jobs tougher than being a police officer.  Day in and day out, police see people at their worst.  Every interaction they have with the public is a risk to their lives.  Sure, the vast majority are non-violent, … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 November, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Good cop, bad cop

News To Make You Furious- Don’t be distracted by the bright shiny objects

The classic bumper sticker reads “If you’re not furious, you’re not paying attention”.  But what are we paying attention to, and why?  We’ve all just been treated to 16 days of a hypnotic sideshow that totally dominated the news.  Fluff … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 October, News To Make You Furious, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Don’t be distracted by the bright shiny objects

News To Make You Furious- Parallel Construction? It means “lie”.

This month’s News To Make You Furious comes from unwilling Russian tourist Edward Snowden.  Facile politicians are trying to wave away his accusations as simple exaggerations from an excitable press, but Snowden didn’t just find one program gone awry.  He … Continue reading

Posted in 2013 September, News To Make You Furious, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters, Uncategorized | Comments Off on News To Make You Furious- Parallel Construction? It means “lie”.