Category Archives: Popcorn Shorts
Own your own REAL Japanese Fighting Robot
Looking for a way to make your commute easier? We may have found it. A company called Suidobashi Heavy Industry has created a 12-foot tall, 9,920 pound, fully functional transformer-type robot that you can actually drive around town. The Kuratas … Continue reading
Congratulations, Curiosity!
Humanity reached another milestone on August 5 when our newest Mars rover, Curiosity, landed only 8 feet from its target on a planet 140 million miles away. There’s obviously not much we can add to the story from here, but … Continue reading
Paralyzed woman completes the London Marathon
We apologize, but our coverage of the London Olympics has been woefully inadequate. To make up for it, we’ll share this story about the power of the human spirit, the potentials of technology, and the idiocy of bureaucrats. In 2007, … Continue reading
Two GREAT slideshows on the economy
In the 1992 election, Ross Perot got 19% of the popular vote by explaining the “giant sucking sound” with clear, simple charts and graphs. Strong graphics can make the most complex ideas understandable, and here are two excellent slideshows from … Continue reading
Popcorn- How to ditch Big Brother on the Net
Nothing’s sacred on the InterTubes. Whenever you go cyber you’re exposing information not only to hackers, but to email providers, search engines, and web administrators. It’s not IF people can see you online, but HOW MUCH they can see. Online … Continue reading
Popcorn- Best healthcare graph ever
The Supreme Court made some news towards the end of June having to do with Health Care. While the battle develops surrounding the decision, we thought it might be nice to remember why we’re fighting it. This graph from National … Continue reading
Popcorn- Following in Frankenstein’s footsteps
What was Dr. Victor Frankenstein famous for? Yeah, there’s the castle and the weird assistant and the graveyard fixation, but any English major will tell you that he’s most famous for being killed by his own creation. He’s not alone, … Continue reading
Popcorn- FREE summer concerts
WOW! Did you see all those people partying in Sellwood Park this Monday night? Rumor is that it’ll happen next week too… The Portland Parks Summer series has started once again! Every Monday in July, Sellwood Riverfront Park (and other … Continue reading
Popcorn- 15 strange green inventions
It’s an editorial position here at Your Car Matters that, in general, ‘Green’ is good. After all, why would you want to do something that destroys the environment if you have the option not to? It just makes sense. Or … Continue reading
Popcorn- Saving money at the Farmer’s Market
It’s the time of year when we start seeing Farmer’s Markets popping up all over town. There’s even one in our own Sellwood area, the Moreland Farmer’s Market, which we highly encourage you to check out. If you’re planning on … Continue reading