Category Archives: Health Notes
Health Notes- The Syndrome so toxic we can’t even say it
The Syndrome so toxic we can’t even say it It’s no news that our environment affects our health and life, but as larger swaths of the world break into ‘haves’ and ‘have nots’, the differences are becoming more distinct and … Continue reading
Health Notes- How Coronavirus kills
How Coronavirus kills Rarely has Health been in the forefront in the same way it is today. As we all hunker in our bunkers from an invisible enemy, we thought it might be interesting to know exactly what that enemy … Continue reading
Health Notes- Real facts on Coronavirus
Hmmm, Health, Health… what’s going on in Health these days? The deadly spread of misinformation. We can help with that…
Health Notes- 10 ways to exercise more… without even trying
10 ways to exercise more… without even trying 10 ways to get more exercise – without really trying, by Joel Snape in The Guardian, Dec 2014 Life is busy, and fitting in exercise can be tough, especially if you think … Continue reading
Health Notes- Oh, nothing much… just a cure for cancer.
We’ve wanted to run the headline “Cancer Cured!” for a long, long time, and now we may have the chance without it being just a grim joke. T-Cell therapies, where a patient’s immune cells are removed, modified, and returned to … Continue reading
Health Notes for December 2019
“Health” is a huge field covering everything from ancient diet and exercise to cutting-edge modern technology. We aren’t qualified to tell you anything about Health, but we can pass on advice from qualified people on fascinating subjects like these… You … Continue reading
Health Notes- A cure for breast cancer? Not QUITE yet…
Almost everyone has been touched by breast cancer. It may be your mom, sister, or wife, or even your dad, brother, or husband… breast cancer hits men too. But whether it’s touched you or someone you love, breast cancer is … Continue reading
Health Notes- Why fractures are so problematic for older people
Why fractures are so problematic for older people By Consumer Reports, published on Washington Post, Jul, 2019 When kids or young adults break a bone, they might have weeks or months of recovery to get through. But they can usually … Continue reading
Health Notes Why aren’t glasses and dental included in insurance?
This is a question that’s bothered us for a long time. Why aren’t routine eye care and routine dental care covered by health insurance? Put another way, why are certain bones and certain parts of your brain not considered important … Continue reading
Health Notes- New SuperBugs evolving from Western diet
Sugary Western Diets Fuel Newly Evolving Superbugs By Yasemin Saplakoglu on, Aug 2019 A diarrhea-causing bacterium is evolving into a new species, one that thrives on your sugar-rich Western diet, according to a new study. The Clostridium difficile bacteria … Continue reading