Category Archives: Health Notes
Health Notes- The final word on the fluoridation debate
Portland is consumed by the debate in advance of the May 21 vote on fluoridation. It’s become a bitter battle with hype, propaganda, and distortion on both sides. While we’d like to bring you the absolute final truth on the … Continue reading
Health Notes- Bacteria may be 20% as effective as bariatric weight loss surgery
Studies show bacteria in the Intestines May Help Tip the Bathroom Scale By Denise Grady in the New York Times, March 27, 2013 The bacterial makeup of the intestines may help determine whether people gain weight or lose it, according … Continue reading
Health Notes- What’s good for GM may not be good for you
Genetically Modified (GM) foods aren’t popular in Europe, where bans and restrictions are common. Here in the US, we can’t even get legislation through that requires companies to tell us when our food contains GM components. Legislation or not, it’s … Continue reading
Health Notes- Are you living with “Presenteeism”?
Portland is currently considering new sick-leave rules that would require companies to provide at least 5 days of sick leave per employee per year. This seems like a measure that just makes sense… after all, do you want to work … Continue reading
Health Notes- Another year of healthy living
Yes, we’re known as the company that’s “trusted to keep your vehicles safe, breakdown-free, and operating at their best”. We’re very proud of that, but (and it’s a hard thing for an auto repair shop to say) your vehicles aren’t … Continue reading
Health Notes- 12 health myths you probably believe
Being healthy means having accurate information. Many times it’s hard to separate truth from fiction on the complex issues of health, medicine, diet, and exercise, and we’re not going to pretend that we can clear everything up in an article. … Continue reading
Health Notes- Is Canola Oil Healthy?
Some people claim that canola is the healthiest of oils, even better than olive and coconut oils. Others say it is a genetically engineered monster that is 100 times more toxic than soy. Who is right? -by Bruce Fife, N.D. … Continue reading
Heartburn might not mean heartbreak
Most of us know the pain of heartburn, at least occasionally. For many people, acid reflux can have a huge impact on their lives, restricting foods, interfering with sleep, and even causing permanent damage. Acute cases are helped by antacids … Continue reading
Health Notes- Are YOU bootin’ the gluten?
You’ve tried the Grapefruit Diet, the 1-day diet, and the South Beach Diet. The Cabbage Soup Diet has bad memories for you, and Atkins never worked at all. Now, you’re considering the Gluten Free Diet. Does it work? Is it … Continue reading
Health Notes- What’s the laziest way to health?
What’s worse than going to bed for a full night’s sleep, but being woken up by a screaming baby exactly halfway through? Actually, a fascinating BBC article says you should ask what could be better? It turns out humans aren’t … Continue reading