Category Archives: Book Spotlight

Book Spotlight- It’s not a book, but it’s about books…  “Protecting the Most Benign Institution”

                                                                                                  “Protecting the Most Benign Institution” by Rebecca Gordon (from the article)  “…Name any public institution — the U.S. military, say, or a county welfare office – and it’s bound to have its negative aspects. Maybe you appreciate that … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “The Discovery of Global Warming” by Spencer Weart

“The Discovery of Global Warming” by Spencer Weart (from the publisher)  “In 2001 a panel representing virtually all the world’s governments and climate scientists announced that they had reached a consensus: the world was warming at a rate without precedent … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- Women Behind the Wheel: An Unexpected and Personal History of the Car

“Women Behind the Wheel: An Unexpected and Personal History of the Car” by Nancy Nichols (Publisher’s Comments)-  “From the adolescent thrill of getting a driver’s license to the dreaded commutes of adulthood, from vintage muscle cars to electric vehicles, this … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “Profiles In Ignorance”

Andy Borowitz is a strong go-to author for April Fools! “Profiles In Ignorance” by Andy Borowitz (Publisher’s Comments)-  Andy Borowitz, “one of the funniest people in America” (CBS Sunday Morning), brilliantly examines the intellectual deterioration of American politics, from Ronald … Continue reading

Posted in 2024 March, Book Spotlight, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Book Spotlight- “Profiles In Ignorance”

Book Spotlight- Why reading books should be your priority

To the dedicated readers of “Book Spotlight”, we thought we’d share something to make you properly feel superior to all those un-readers out there, and give you something to get them reading too! Why Reading Books Should Be Your Priority, … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “Parable of the Sower” by Octavia Butler                                                                                               

This month’s book comes from a recommendation from someone on our Facebook page.  It’s been on our list so long we no longer know who, specifically, recommended it, but if you’re the one who turned us on to it… thank … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- “Means of Control” by Byron Tau

“Means of Control” by Byron Tau “That evening, I was given a glimpse inside a hidden world. . . . An entirely new kind of surveillance program–one designed to track everyone.” For the past five years—ever since a chance encounter … Continue reading

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Book Spotlight- Books to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Books to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, by various authors The World’s attention turned yet again to the Middle East as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict burst into flame… yet again.  If you’re like our ‘Your Car Matters’ staff you’re only vaguely aware, … Continue reading

Posted in 2023 October, Book Spotlight, Newsletter Columns, Newsletters | Comments Off on Book Spotlight- Books to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

Book Spotlight- “Billionaires- Reflections on the Upper Crust” by Darrell West

“Billionaires- Reflections on the Upper Crust” by Darrell West  (Publisher’s Comments)-  “The top one percent own about one-third of the assets in America and 40 percent of assets around the world. This concentration of financial resources in many countries gives … Continue reading

Posted in 2023 September, Book Spotlight, Newsletters | Comments Off on Book Spotlight- “Billionaires- Reflections on the Upper Crust” by Darrell West

Book Spotlight- “The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements”

“The True Believer: Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements” by Eric Hoffer “Its theme is political fanaticism, with which it deals severely and brilliantly.” –New Yorker A stevedore on the San Francisco docks in the 1940s, Eric Hoffer wrote … Continue reading

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